
This article is absolute garbage. You have completely misrepresented what is happening here and you should be fucking fired. You crap on at length about how these celebrities are against decriminalization of sex work, yet fail to acknowledge the following statement:

Listen commenters: When your first thought after reading a story about how a baby was asphyxiated in a bag are for the poor, struggling mother and not the baby who was horribly murdered, it is time to review your perspective. That is some seriously fucked up ideological blinkering going on.

Who said anything about men deserving attention from women? Not him, and not me. Attention is what he is apparently used to, and now that’s changing and it’s making him feel insecure. Why wouldn’t it? It’s what he’s known his whole adult life.

That the world is a fucked up, deeply unfair place is not in doubt. Please explain why that means this guy is not allowed to feel uncomfortable with getting older and being less attractive to women? Because you have it worse? Should you not be allowed to say things you said because some people have it worse than you?

Sadly it does. Many families get ruined by these laws, including white families. There was a bit of push back against it in the media a few months ago.

I just wanted to chime in to say I like you and that you make a really good point that we don’t hear enough of: misogynists are also misandrists. They hate men. Hate them. They will crush the individuality and identity out of them and enforce the view that all men are craven beasts who want only one thing, and if you

You know what I really hate?

He could mean women in their late thirties for all you, or anyone else, knows.

Getting older can be confusing. If he’s used to being noticed by women and suddenly it’s stopped happening, why on earth wouldn’t that be confronting? It’s what he’s known. It’s been part of his identity. God, people are judgmental.

No it didn’t. He said nothing about twenty year olds. He said he was getting older and people didn’t notice him anymore, and it had perturbed him. Why wouldn’t it? Getting older is confusing. It’s confusing for women. It’s confusing for men. It’s confusing for everyone.

I am as hardcore a feminist as you’re likely to meet. That fact has never, and will never, mean that I think men are not entitled to have, and share, concerns about their own problems.

Totally. Reading this was literally one big holy shit reaction from me.


Not an inverse troll, but if you want let’s still be friends.

All you would have had to do is read the first sentence. Nonetheless I am impressed by your impeccable credentials.

I presume that’s a male tears reference. You mustn’t know me.

I know, right? Guys, it was two days ago. Stop shaming people for like, at least a week.

Let me introduce you to my friend, ‘reading comprehension’. No, it is not based on an Onion article.

What a mean spirited post. Some guy feels insecure about his appearance, and your answer is to write a rant at him about his privilege. Unbelievable.

Wait. Mid thirties is middle aged? What the fuck?