
NP if you were a teen on a cheesy family sitcom. You need a scheme to attract hot babes on your dating profile so you take out a loan against family’s restaurant to buy the car. You drive it to a McMansion development area and take a couple of pics of you, the house and car (ten feet away and no interior pics). You

So maybe not as exotic as at first glance, but a darned steady and reliable life partner up for just about anything? A person could do a LOT worse.

Regarding the A/C... given this is a 1994 model year car, that means the AC system likely uses the R134A. And THAT means that even if the AC system needs service, it’s unlikely to need a complete upgrade/replacement which would be far more expensive.

Nice price, would not buy.

Huracan relief.

It’s not cheap today.  It’s way cheaper every day afterward.

Star for “meth-addled squirrels”

That first picture was like a mainline of adrenaline for the three year old, so I guess he’s a “yes”?

“my wife won’t let me” might be the saddest phrase ever uttered by a man

He said “somewhat” reliable.

...50 years of mechanical knowledge (and not the shitty Scotty Kilmer kind)

He actually said very elderly. I share your pain.

You’re born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you’re up in the rarefied atmosphere and you’ve forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

What’s a Range Rover?

I’m seeing more and more of these clean P38s and it has me wondering if they’re more reliable than I’ve been led to believe. With the condition this one is in, both cosmetically and mechanically, I’m going to NP. It’s not for everyone but, if you’re looking for a good example of a handsome ride, you could certainly do

The whole article and not a single Layer Cake ref?  Slipping man, slipping.

First they came for the Collins and Tracy articles. I did not speak up because I read all the articles. Then they came for the comments, I did not speak up because I read all the comments. Then they came for the clicks, I did not speak up because it doesn’t matter to me how many people click. Then they came for me,

Today: sorry, I love Ferraris, but this is Not the one that would get me to sell that extra kidney floating around my thorax.

Yeah, the list of better cars (even with a convertible) you can buy with $63,000 is so long there is literally no reason to buy this other than you just don’t like money anymore. 

With that many miles? Crack pipe.