
But shitty man comics are just embracing entrepreneurship, while shitty lady comics are whoring out to the industry, obvs.

Ahhh! THIS!!


I also think she should not be held responsible for him in the same way we might expect of a spouse or a sibling. She married his brother, that’s not really the same thing as endorsing James.

I can’t blame Brie too much when you are asked on the spot about your brother-in-law.

I dunno. My husband got the same advice from coworkers a couple of years ago when he purchased an immersion blender for me for Christmas. I was thrilled and used that thing the very next day.

For me the rule would be the exact opposite. A good cooking tool or kitchen appliance from my husband is a direct flight ticket to my panties.

Totally! When you’re cooking in the middle of the day and don’t want to have to change or wearing a white shirt and making sauce or really anything. I wear my apron when I cook for more than a few minutes. I have the habit of getting messy and wiping my hands on myself so aprons are a lifesaver!

If a man bought me a kitchenaid or any of the kitchen things I want but can’t afford (or have counter space for) I’d be thrilled. I love to cook. It’s not sexist for a woman to enjoy cooking.

Unless that person is me. Buy me ALL the kitchen appliances. Diamonds are garbage.

This. It’s well known she likes to cook. I think people are reaching here.

Harry did propose while they were roasting chicken.

LOL. One of the first gifts my mother in law gave me was an apron and a hand crank pasta roller. I didn’t know how to make pasta at the time but I sure as hell learned.

She does love to cook...

Came here to say the same. Curry was just treated differently (obviously) than Couric, so I truly think she saw and heard things Couric didn’t. And Couric had loads going on in her personal life at the time as well. I can truly believe she was oblivious to a lot of things, and also she just wasn’t in the same circle

People like Lauer are manipulative and calculating. He probably did everything to make sure he didn’t pull his sleaze in front of Katie, since she was his superior.

I’m not going to insist Couric is telling the truth, but I think it is relevant to note that, like you said, Couric was one of the few women who had seniority over Lauer. Additionally, when Lauer came on as her co-host, her husband was dying of cancer, and then she was raising two small kids in the aftermath of his

They are a bunch of self-serving scumbags. New York politics is terribly corrupt as it is, but this group of senators takes it to the next level. They caucus with the Repubs because it gets them better committee assignments, funding, etc. because the Repubs are constantly trying to buy their loyalty.

Hmm. While that seems shitty, it does explain this a bit more. Not being from New York, I have no idea how the local and state elections work there. This makes sense but also seems very disingenuous, which is unfortunate.

Haworth is beautiful and has excellent pubs and restaurants nearby too. I have nothing further to add.