The Gob Hoblin

Please stop referring to the turd anything other than felon; he is not worthyof any other words in the dictionary except perhaps rapist.

In the words of Wayne: “I ain’t never seen a market supply without demand”.”

extracurricular activities”?  You mean her job?  

The longstanding “out of sight, out of mind” philosophy of rocket launch is unsustainable, clearly.  And while it’s tempting to think of SpaceX as having solved it with their reusable first stages, they really haven’t.  They’ve only mitigated it a tiny little bit -- and their vastly increased flight rate more than

What a cluster… so basically one of the other employees recognized his wife from a picture on his desk, and decided to distribute her adult content at work and with colleagues? Seems to me like that would have been the obvious person to terminate, not Mr. Kirby.

The subordinate took screenshots and showed them to co-workers and managers, the decision said.”

I’m going to say that the “standards of professional conduct” were violated by the other employees. As always, fuck dealerships.

You beet us to it.

Donate money too. Mother Jones, Pro Publica, NPR, Wikipedia, etc. are all invaluable resources that only exist because of people supporting them. 

Musk’s endgame was to siphon money and attention away from actual public transportation. That’s it, that’s the whole reason. And that’s not conjecture, he’s publically admitted that’s why he did it.

a similar leek was documented less than three months later”

You’re asking the right questions.

Seriously, I have had the pleasure of riding the Victoria Line (and others) a lot, and never in a million years could this Tesla Loop move anywhere near 40% as many people in even a fraction of the time.

I live here. And I work at the Convention Center sometimes. Let me tell you, The Loop is *nothing* like public transportation. It only operates when there is a convention in progress, not in between. Since I mostly do setups and teardowns, I have *never* had the opportunity to take this. It’s not transportation, it’s

Math doesnt add up. Assume each direction has half the 4000 passengers. 2000 passengers one way, divide by 4 per car, means 500 vehicles per hour. Given there are 3600 seconds in an hour, means a car must leave every 7.2 seconds. Really?

Or a fixed fee on the gig economy’s least able to pay.

It does not charge wealthier people more than poorer people. That makes it by definition a regressive tax. It shifts financial burden for a societal problem to people with less resources.

I like that we can argue over what type of asshole this obvious asshole is.

On one hand, I appreciate you explaining this, because I genuinely didn’t know.

Radon is also not the same thing as radium. Unlike radon, your body treats radium as though it’s calcium, which means it stores it in your bones where it never goes away.