I’m in the Bay Area (get this! A San Francisco liberal who hates Trump!) and got an up close look at Harris up here. She’s as advertised and worth supporting.
The Dems should still primary Feinstein. Even if she belatedly develops a spine in the next year. She’s emblematic of the slow death of the party.
People who have lived in the US for years, who have studied & worked here and have families, have been denied re-entry into the country. People with proper green cards have been denied re-entry. Families in places like Yemen, who have lost their homes to US-backed Saudi bombing, are denied entry. People who risked…
Keep telling yourself she was the wrong candidate for the job while the flesh is melting off your face.
I know this is not entertainment news but the three Syrian families our mosque sponsored will not be coming to America as a result of the ban. They sold all their belongings, went through two years of grueling interviews and background checks and were at the airport in Istanbul Ataturk airport with their luggage and…
In the Hillary universe, the nation makes a millimeter or two of progress every day - slow, relentless, difficult progress. It’s boring and hard work and it makes just about everyone’s life incrementally better each day. No one appreciates it.
Hot take- the music of Moana is ten million times better than LaLa Land I’ve listened to the soundtrack incessantly.
I get what you (and the author) are saying, and I think white women have a very important role in reaching out to other white people and getting them on board with social justice and recognizing racism and privilege, so that the people most marginalized don’t have to add that bullshit to the burden they already carry.
I think it can also be a consequence of living in liberal cities. I’m a former liberal arts major, white, middle class lady living in a liberal city. I don’t have a huge social circle, all my friends and family are vocal Democrats. It’s an area where I have blinders
The time has come to pick a side.
Seriously, educate yourself. We are repeating the fall of the Roman Republic note for note. It’s not about “a coup” - unless of course you are a dummy who doesn’t know what I am referring to. Are you a dummy?
Yes, please. Everyone stop telling me to calm down and take the higher road. No fucking thanks. I will continue my warpath because taking the high road has gotten me nowhere. I’m not above savagery, folks.
If Democrats play nice, like, ever again, even for an instant, even for the “greater good” (whatever that is) - they (we?) will continue to lose and deservedly so. “America” as a noble concept or vessel for liberal democracy is done. Dead and gone. The only thing that matters now is taking and holding power until the…
I mean, this is one of those examples where I absolutely agree that my own personal feelings get in the way of what I know rationally to be correct. I know rationally that the death penalty is wrong and I believe wholeheartedly that it should be abolished, but my own feelings right now are that if Dylann Roof is…
Oh my god that Pablo is fantastic.
Rebecca Lindsay’s Mystique cosplay still blows my mind. Even after all this time I do a double take when I see it again.
Hopefully this illustrates an important point to liberals and progressives: