Actually, I believe technically she has 2cm high ABS plastic pieces in the vague shape of Erlenmeyer flasks filled with imaginary nothing and bullshit. Really? REALLY?
Actually, I believe technically she has 2cm high ABS plastic pieces in the vague shape of Erlenmeyer flasks filled with imaginary nothing and bullshit. Really? REALLY?
Oh and for the record, I also think this Lego Friends set is really cool too. She's a girl scientist! With her own robot! And potions and shit! Lets not argue about whether they use pink blocks or purple quivers and focus on the fact that they are presenting a positive female image.
See, here's the thing. You're right. Girls can play with boys toys too. But I think it is really important that a toy is being MARKETED to girls that involves combat, action etc... It validates the notion that being awesome IS girly, that you don't have to be a BOY to be cool or play fight. It is the role model…
I am CRAZY excited for this movie, if only because it has lead to this wonder of merchandising. That's right, its a bow and arrow set for girls!! Now when my daughter walks through the aisles of Toys r us, she can finally get a cool action toy of her own! Marvel didn't even bother making a Black Widow toy for girls…
<—- This
OMG Ted Mosby is a vampire!!
Really, do we think there is going to be more than another season of Castle? Aren't they going to wrap everything up next year with Kate's mom etc. If so, then Fillion will be free and whether he ends up on a new Firefly or in the Avengers, you can be sure that Joss is going to snatch him up somehow.
THIS! Oh man I just finished Aloha From Hell and I want to see that in some form of media. Crazy crazy off the wall stuff. I am also really digging the Iron Druid series (beginning with Hounded) and I could see that playing as a really fun show as well
My favorite of that series
We were at the beach
Must... resist... snuggling...
Joe Johnston has a career that really boggles me. On the one hand, he does such good work with period pieces (Rocketeer, October Sky, Captain America... even Hidalgo was not completely terrible). But then he churns out crap like Jurassic Park III and Jumanji. He's a little schmaltzy, but that's part of his charm. …
Fine, you want shared universe? How about the cast of Arrested Development and SVU team up to fight aliens. Your welcome #munchverse
Ooh totally agree with History of Violence. By FAR a better movie than X2.
Just put your Roomba on the table with some Hot Pockets on top of it. Your Welcome.
Thank you SO much. That made me laugh so incredibly hard. Actually, everything with the Hulk made me happy. Mark Ruffalo did a fab job, and for once somebody realized that the Hulk can be menacing AND kinda goofy AND crazy strong and NOT be a green Stay Puft Marshmallow man. Favorite quote? Hard to choose. Pretty…
That's why all this space mining is such a good idea. Because you never have to worry that your materials are coming from slave labor. Or, wait...
Blah Blah Blah.. Hipster Geordi