
LIKE!!! I was jealous of my parents when they took my brother to Wizarding World of Harry Potter without me, but this is the real deal! (insofar as these are genuine movie props/ sets). I'd certainly rather tour real film sets than stand around in the muggy florida sun buying "butterbeer" off of underpaid college

Listen, if science fiction has told me anything, its that our future can go a couple of different ways: space colonies with friendly/ unfriendly aliens seems kind of out of the question, post apocalyptic preindustrial societies seem kind of bleak... I'm all for a whacked out cyberpunk future if that's the only other

Potoroo + Solenodon = lost pokemon

Just saw this article in LA Times —Apparently they are making a Bone movie after all

Seriously, nobody has mentioned The Chronicles of Prydain?! Pluses: Kids books, but with definite adult appeal, only 5 in the series so easily filmable (unlike 10+ volume series), crappy disney movie was not particularly memorable and nobody will call "REMAKE" on it, great humor, action and romance. Seriously.

The Lego Star Wars games are actually crazy fun to play (and this from a 29 year old woman). They interpret the stories in a humorous way and play as a variety of different characters etc. Obviously it isn't the same as playing Knights of the Old Republic or something, its just light-hearted entertainment. Have you

Do Cercei's ramblings get kind of annoying? Sure! But THAT'S a fair criticism of a work of literature, not "well I'm not going to buy it and this author should write 800 some pages faster because isn't writing super easy and everybody can do it? After all I have my own best-selling fantasy series that millions of

Listen, I just finished reading the first 3 books for the first time and I kind of felt the same way when people told me that Feast for Crows doesn't have POV chapters for Daenerys or Jon Snow. But I'm actually really enjoying the book (I'm about 1/2 way through). If you go into the book knowing that it doesn't have

Ok, so right now I'm about halfway through "Storm of Swords." The plan was to finish the series so far before "Dance with Dragons" comes out, but I have heard really horrible things about "Feast for Crows." Is it really THAT bad? I mean I'm pretty invested in the characters by now, even the ones I know are probably

Hey hey hey... lets not bring Sharktopus or Piranhaconda into this. They are innocent bystanders only intent on OUR destruction, not the cancellation of boring sci fi spinoffs.

I'm VERY excited about this. Now they just need to adapt NK Jemisen's Hundred Thousand Kingdoms. Maybe Hollywood will finally clue into the idea that science fiction/ fantasy doesnt' have to only be about white men.

Michael Jai White would be an awesome Black Panther.

You know what? If you are going to mention Big Bang Theory even though it isn't a genre show just because it features a cast of geeks, then how can you not mention "Community." They spent 10 minutes in last weeks episode talking about Farscape. And this weeks ep is in freaking claymation. Plus it is better written

You know that Computer Engineer Barbie is a doll I actually wouldn't mind my daughter playing with.

I do have to say as somebody whose read it that the Walking Dead Compendium isn't particularly durable in the binding department. I would almost rather give a friend individual volumes, because this thing is just so hefty it isn't really practical. Economical, though

When I watched the show and he kept talking about the musical number and how he couldn't get the rights to the music in time, I just knew it would turn up online eventually. Glad the puppets were able to make an appearance too.

@BouncedCzech: The books were REALLY good, though. I was seriously disappointed how they completely ruined them for the movie. Brendan Fraser is just so wrong in this role, its not even funny. You should try the books sometime though. They are, yes, a bit like Neverending Story (book). But keep in mind that the

Having read "The Strange Case of the Origami Yoda" I wouldn't exactly call it Science Fiction. It is a seriously cute school story that will appeal to a wide range of readers, but can be read in such a way that it isn't beyond the realm of reality at all. My favorite genuine Scifi book for kids this year I actually

Actually, you are incorrect in saying that the Harry Potter books take place "now" In fact the series actually takes place in the early to mid-90s. Harry was born on July 31, 1980 according to most sources (including JKR). Here is a timeline from the Harry Potter lexicon