The Ghost of Levon Helm

Which cities have the best thrift stores?

“Inappropriate, negative behaviors” is an awfully generous description of preying on underaged girls.

Let's not forget that Demi Lovato once hired a sex worker to assault her bodyguard as a "prank." 

Hi folks! I’m interested in working in abortion rights, but most job listings I find are medical or executive manager-type positions for which I am unqualified. I’d like to know if anyone knows of other, smaller organizations that do work on behalf of women seeking abortions or help ease the burden or circumvent the

That’s interesting what you say about not being a needy baby ‘cause I was an annoyingly sweet, well-behaved kid. Like, I never even needed to be potty trained because I coveted my sister’s big-girl panties so much that I just gave up diapers all at once. And I most definitely relate to the fear of intimacy. It is

I’m sorry you didn’t get the job. I have been passed over for many jobs, I can relate, but you seem to be doing well and marching on with a positive attitude. Spring being a good time to start over is a lovely sentiment and I hope it proves true for you. Best of luck!

My goodness! Being mugged sounds terrifying!! I hope you are feeling better and taking care of yourself.

If you had major surgery as an infant (both partial and total—and unnecessary—organ removal) and only recently learned that it was performed without anesthesia (after this was supposedly no longer the norm), what would you do with that? I guess I’d like to hear others’ experiences and the ways in which they believe

Anyone know of any Americorps-like programs that don't require many qualifications?

The same

Between her brother, paramour, and at least one chosen associate, you really have to wonder about the sorts of things she has come to believe are OK.

*Noted rapist Cristiano Ronaldo

Congratulations! You better get some shades for the new year!

I know it’s really awful to armchair diagnose people, so please forgive me, but I have a former friend who I’ve mentioned on here before whose behavior reads like the symptoms of Borderline Personality. Like volatile, manipulative behavior; meltdowns every other day; tantrums to get her way; emotional vampire kinda

“Embarrass her about her childhood abuse” is just so needlessly cruel.

Any thoughts on dying parents who did irreparable harm to you and what to do about them or jobs/organizations to change (and hopefully move) your life?

It seems every night Rachel Maddow talks about it having been such a big news day and every day, I leave my TV set to a news channel in the hopes that I’ll wake to a truly big news day and find everything has finally been revealed.

The good news is that we’re all going to die!

A walkable commute? That is the dream! Congratulations!

My mom has commented on the “garlic-y” smell in both my and my sister’s homes.