
All the PMS tears. Thank god the movie after was just fun. I wouldn’t have kept it together if it was a Finding Nemo/Inside Out/Up situation.

Thoughts on Keith and David from Six Feet Under? Yes, technically they die at the end, but that’s because you see everyone die. Their deaths aren’t a narrative response to them being gay. I’m currently rewatching, and I just love their arc. I’m only on season 2, and I need them to get back together, stat! I know it’ll

Thank you!

Can someone make a gif of Nathan Lane absolutely not having that goat?

Paper Mate Flair M Felt Tip - Black. Yes, I bullet journal and work in nonprofits, why do you ask?

1. Blazing Saddles
2. Hot Fuzz
3. That Thing You Do
4. Little Miss Sunshine

I guarantee their “apology” will be “It’s just a prank, bro!”

Same. Realizing the connection between the two has been the reason I’ve been able to make my exercise routine stick since December.

Dealing with two different money mentalities I inherited from my parents. My mom is a spender and always finds justifications to spend, e.g. treating yourself, you’re helping the economy, etc. She has a lot of credit card debt. My dad meanwhile doesn’t ever spend any money unless absolutely necessary. He wears

Having enough and saving enough so that I don’t feel guilty every time I buy a book or go out to dinner. Basically, being secure enough in covering my basics so that I have the flexibility to do something on a whim.

Currently Reading: The Baron in the Trees (Italo Calvino), The Sense of Style (Steven Pinker), and Symphony for the City of the Dead (M.T. Anderson).

I reject this because y’all told me to do the vampire cough to avoid getting germs on my hands. My elbows are now more likely to spread disease. Instructions unclear.

Jupiter Ascending. Though my husband and I have found great joy in mocking his performance for that in the past year, so I’m going to give him a pass.

My babysitter said that Pokemon were demons and Harry Potter promoted witchcraft but Star Wars was okay because “The Force” is like God. She also thought yoga and meditation were paths to damaging your soul. I guess no one told her that a lot of Star Wars is influenced by eastern religious stuff.

In general, my parents didn’t care what I consumed, but randomly, my mom would decide that she did. My favorite time was when I was 10 and she wouldn’t let me see the X-Files movie because it was PG-13. Never mind that I had seen other PG-13 movies and was a mega fan of the show. She just decided for that particular

You missed the bit about how if you’re friends with singers/actors/performers in general, they will all try to harmonize at the very end. It actually ends up sounding decent, but I cringe every single time because we theater people are basic.

Good lord, this movie was utter trash. I left after the Zendaya/Zac rope swing stuff because it was SO BAD.

Yup, MoviePass. We want to see everything, and this makes that affordable.

Haha, thanks! I’ll check that out!

Counterpoint: Netflix.