
Mirror Cave Rei cracked me up...especially when I thought about them walking around in that getup..

It holds the fizz after 16-24hrs of brewing?

This is exactly the type of response someone would give that doesn’t feel it’s their responsibility to be concerned about other people. How bout you drink responsibly and it won’t be anyone’s problem? The legality of the situation is spot on and should remain so. No ones life should be disrupted in any way because

I’m not concerned with who plays the part as much as I am with her having curly hair it seems? Also (maybe because of the cartoons) I was expecting her to have really big eyes...

You said it for me...and better than I would have.

0 fucks given

Looks like it’s shopped in...3 or so pictures later is the same tanker at a different angle without the text. I assume it’s the same tanker since the numbers match the earlier photo.

I disagree....that ambulance scares me the most..

They seem to have left out one of my favorites, Disharmonica

The title is the only reference to sex throughout the entire game and it is an old saying to mean somewhere no one should go. Because of this you’re going to label it as shamelessly anti-feminist? So sick of this generation of offended people.

I stopped playing FPS games like CoD and such because of all the rampant hacking. I’m happy to see Blizzard doesn’t stand for that crap and is mass banning hackers. As long as it stays that way I will keep playing.

I was thinking the exact same thing..

I worked as an Account Rep on the phones for 6-8 months and then out in the field as a Commtech for 2+ years. In the beginning it was easy to make appointments. Then the company began pushing that if the home isn't wired correctly we were to rewire the home on that visit. A simple 30 minute visit could turn into a 4+

pretty sure that padding used is made from those foam pool noodles

Epic Beard...

I don't see how one can draw from the other for hardware specs. They both need a CPU, a GPU, RAM, ROM, etc... You can't say MS is copying Sony just because they both use GDDR5. Personally I'm kinda pissed there's no SSD option...loading times are so '90's.

Give it till next thursday...Pimp My Ride will be done with it by then.

Sadly...these will never burn..

and for only $5 more you can get an SSD that's over twice as fast...OCZ Agility 4 AGT4-25SAT3-256G is $189 on newegg and the "value" Crucial V4 CT256V4SSD2 2.5" 256GB is $184

unfortunately I believe this and everything else 38 Studios owned is now property of the state. Our only chance of seeing this is a developer buying it from the state and that's very unlikely for all the reasons you just stated plus more.