The Funny Baratheon Brother

Sessions is not a square. He is a cube.

I read that a 100 megaton exchange between India and Pakistan would arrest warming for years.

What would Josey Wales say?

I can't wait to see the reactions toward the David Rice Atchison Wiki Wormhole. That there are monuments to him still standing, or are least are not being defaced daily, boggles my mind.

I bet!

FFS, who cares?

It makes all the difference, you know. That Alito is a dick. His bigotry is worse.

I believe that is Andrew Ridgely circa 1988.

Would anyone hate-fuck Milo?

He'd better. My ass still aches.

"Collaborator Vichyssoise Scum Gets Just Desserts."


Live Aid did it better.

They don't do self-awareness.

Amy Pascal isn't exactly in a position to demand things after the financial bomb that was Ghostbusters 2016.

Oh, Mel!

I was shocked at how good Charlie Hunnam was in Lost City of Z.

"Our weapons are gone!"
-Ensign Scott, USS Defiant

There is a blurb in Christopher Lee's autobiography where he talks about the filming of The Man with the Golden Gun.

Politicians push as far as their constituents will let them.