The Funny Baratheon Brother

This just in! Francisco Franco is still dead!

Actually, he has been in two Transformers films.

Johan de Witt sympathizes.

Say what you will about Hitler, but at least he had a dog.

Caesar was different in that he took as much as any Patrician but threw the Plebes a bone every so often. He was no Trajan.

That nasty Kathy Griffin. Preventing that lady from having sex with her husband because she gave her diarrhea instead. And then follows her around giving her more diarrhea! Sad.

Spooks generally don't show their cards much.

I'm not going to watch the doc so tell us, did Putin like it?

Alexander just lacked something. Colin Farrell was simply not believable as Alexander.

And we make fun of North Korea? The mental conditioning being exhibited here is startling.

That's the Right Honorable Lord Haden-Guest to you schlubs.

Are we human? Or are we dancer?

Dannebrog? Pffftt.

Poor Nazis. They never catch a break.

He embodied the dying breed of East Coast Rockefeller Republican.

Trump's an opiate addict?

It was bad.

I did not tell Comey to stop the investigation. I did naaawt!

He works for the Onion, so yes, you are right. It is fake news.

I see Disqus is going to make this thread lively.