The Funny Baratheon Brother

Looks like we've some squatters.

Pffttt. Lame.

That Flash suit is dire.

It must be an interesting thing to be present at the death of a king such as Louis XIV. The man was the nation. The implications of the transition of power had to be quite frightening. No less so for Louis himself in preceding years as he watched his sons, and then grandsons, die one by one.

HR on the roof as Iris dies. Doesn't shoot.

That dastardly Reverse Flash has finally did it.

Boomerang is a casualty of the woe-begotten DC Cinematic Universe.

I took it as his way of generating capital and ensuring the planet is still around so that he can be born in the future. The patents on his tech would be worth many billions alone.

A B? No. The references alone earn it a B+. Too much great stuff in here for anything less than an A-.

Uncle Ben and the Waynes sympathize.

Too busy trying to repeal the ACA and bring coal back.

Legends was great.

Not so bad as a C. Solid except the continued pedantics.

How odd. It's as if all these foods have something in common (other than an early heart-attack).

Peppridge Farm remembers.

All Alt-Right guys wish they were puppets.


Fun Fact: EJO almost played Commander Kruge in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.

Shame, Gwen! Shame.

I wonder if Hannity has enough sapience to loathe the sight of himself every morning when he looks in the mirror.