PUBG, Sea of Theives, and some Witcher III. I like to keep things interesting.
PUBG, Sea of Theives, and some Witcher III. I like to keep things interesting.
It’s this type of thinking that gets people murdered. Let’s not hold anyone but the perpetrator to any standard. This is exhibit A for the reason you need a license/training to carry a weapon.
Where’s the dude that said we shouldn’t persecute someone for their opinion in the last article?
That footage doesn’t even remotely stand up to what was told to us by the police. They’re fucking HIDING around a corner and never give him a chance to to do anything other than die.
I believe this needs to be filed under “Both parties could’ve done something differently to avoid this accident”
I like how the woman who fought bulls tortured and murdered so many of them, she doesn’t really feel like she’s accomplished anything somedays.
I think this technology could be amazing on interstates and highways. Reduce traffic jams and accidents. On normal streets, I’m more than ok with humans being in control.
My 3 year old absolutely adores Mr Roger’s Neighborhood. We watch it together and I’m reminded how lucky we were to have him.
That’s cute Hyundai is talking about safety while their airbags are killing people!
When your opinion continues to let people get raped and abused, yes.
I haven’t seen the movie in years so I may be getting this wrong. Wasn’t Knives cool with Scott Pilgrim going with Ramona?
The amount of money this guy is about to get is insane. No playoff wins, losing record, and needs to be loved like an abandoned puppy. He’ll be decent but there is no way he should be getting 30 million a year.
We’ve been up between 530am and 6am since the “fall back”. Now that we’ve moved them forward I have never been so happy to check the time and see it was 7am. Please for the love of all that is holy keep this time change!!
Or the shock and awe about releasing games that have been on 2 previous generations of consoles...looking at you Diablo III
What if this was seen as a dive and an attempt to stall and run down the clock? I mean, that happens in almost every close match.
We have another kiddo on the way and you better believe this one is going in the same clothes and their Brother regardless of genitalia.
I think Tebow is the best comparison. Great college QB(won a Heisman as well) but doesn’t possess the necessary skills to succeed at QB in the NFL. It’s not a knock on Jackson, sometimes you are amazing at one level but the next level your skills don’t translate at the same position.
I’m calling my shot here. Mostly everyone dies is an over the top, brutal, and unnecessary way. Throw in a lot of racial slurs and make sure the run time is no shorter than 2.5 hours long. The End.
Duchene has some pretty good offensive chops and he has been terrible this year. Is it the system or Duchene? Perhaps it’s the system and Duchene?
Tell me he doesn’t look like Dan Aykroyd from Nothing but Trouble!