This is helpful advice to get started investing! Great post—shared on social media!
This is helpful advice to get started investing! Great post—shared on social media!
Creativity! There are some great ideas on the Art of Manliness:…
I'm definitely a fan of the 64 GB flash drive on Newegg (though it's listed at $30, the $20 only applies after promo code) and the 128 GB flash drive for under $40, listed above. The Newegg deal on the desktop computer system (listed under "PC Parts") for $300 is a steal as well!
I'm definitely a fan of the 64 GB flash drive on Newegg (though it's listed at $30, the $20 only applies after promo…
Microsoft still charges $129 for a keyboard for the Surface Pro 3, though. The ASUS TransformerBook T300 used to be a better deal at $800-850 (though the price is currently over $1000—so it's worth waiting for the $700 TransformerBook Chi to drop later in February 2015).
This is good advice—make it a regular occurrence, or you probably will put it off and never get around to keeping your finances in order!
I've heard the lottery described as a "tax on people who can't do math." Sad but true!
Great catch on the Silicon Power S80 240 GB for $90! A good deal for sure!
I'm a fan of Dave Ramsey and Ramit Sethi! While nobody offers perfect advice that's true in all situations, they try to inspire the right kind of mindset—which is critical for getting your finances in order!
That's wise advice!
Tech tends to get cheaper over time. That's why I'm excited about sub-$500 laptops: they'll often do everything you need. People often look in the $1000 range for their computers, when those computers feature much more power than ~90% of users will ever actually use.
Great advice; this is an excellent source of information!
Yep, groceries are notoriously bad to buy at Wal-Mart. If something isn't more expensive at Wal-Mart, check the size on the package—it's probably smaller. Computers are also overpriced at Wal-Mart; Amazon tends to have better deals (this is frequently true of Newegg and TigerDirect as well).
Well, not literally a duck...
There are some good deals on the headphones, but I like these deals better.
Thanks for posting about this, sounds like a good read—I'll have to check it out!
There are psychological studies on this concept—it's called "grit," and it seems to be better correlated with success than other measures
It depends on whether "aid" refers to scholarships or loans. Because loans don't really aid students so much as defer the cost and accrue interest—and people typically don't seem to account for that.
I strongly advise people to get an SSD for their computers, laptops especially—it increases performance, longevity, and battery life! Especially since 120 GB SSDs are selling for $60-70 these days, it's a worthwhile investment!
I strongly advise people to get an SSD for their computers, laptops especially—it increases performance, longevity,…