
Great tips, Tom! It's important to find value, which is getting the item that you want (whether or not it's a 'premium' product) for the best price you can! Of course, as Tom points out, if you're making a ridiculously low offer, you won't actually get the item that you want!

Cool stuff! Thanks for sharing, Whitson!

Very insightful post! The [self-made] wealthy tend to have a similar approach to money (I discuss more here), including separating needs and wants, and separating your desires from the desires of others. There's a bunch of great advice here—keep writing and educating others, Trent! :)

That's a pretty good deal! If you're someone who needs a full Windows laptop, there are some similarly-priced options. Cheap Windows computers certainly aren't terribly fast or well-made, but they give you some extra functionality compared to a Chromebook.

That's a pretty good deal! If you're someone who needs a full Windows laptop, there are some similarly-priced options

This is great advice! Excellently said, Trent!

I agree in regards to the healthcare industry. So much is overpriced/unnecessarily pushed on people just so the doctor won't get sued for "missing" something. Medical care shouldn't be so confusing, or so expensive!

I find it surprising that Kim Kardashian has this kind of insight into how being handed money tends to make people lazy.

Billionaires know that nobody starts out making money hand over fist. It takes time, effort, intelligent investments, and a helping of luck.

Indeed, that's one of the things that the wealthy understand—and that's why they think carefully before spending their money!

This is a good thing to point out. My perspective is that you should save money on college while you're still a student! I've linked some tips here on how to save money while you're still in college.

If you can consistently find ways to minimize your expenses and live well below your means (do I really need the latest phone? Will a smaller apartment suit my needs? Do I need a $4 Starbucks latte instead of a homebrewed cup of coffee? etc.), you'll be well on the path to financial freedom, and the fears about debt,

Persistence is the key to the Millionaire Mindset! I agree with Brian C's comment, though—it's only worthwhile if you're not sacrificing quality. I think people tend to realize when they have some important, revolutionary idea.

Take advantage of your individual gifts and talents—it's part of the Millionaire Mindset!

A tough situation to be sure!

After all, millionaires are made $10 at a time!

Establishing good habits may be the most critical component to financial success! A good post to share, Kristin!

I believe that college should be similarly evaluated! For some people, a degree does not greatly enhance their employment prospects. If you're going to take on $50,000 worth of debt in order to get a $30,000/year job, is it really worthwhile to be spending so much time and money? The answer is different for everyone,

That's a good approach! Similarly, some months lead to five weekly paychecks instead of four—people who are paid weekly can use the same approach.

You should check your bills! After all, companies have been known to artificially inflate prices, just so they can subsequently advertise the 'big savings.'