

Whelp i’m out lol.

despite playing what likely adds up to tens of thousands of hours of gaming I don’t think I’ve ever actually dreamed about a video game. I’ve definitely daydreamed about wouldn’t that bush be a great place to pick some herbs and brew a potion. But my dreams are all super fucking weird and all over the

I like to imagine that every dimension actually gets a super-power, and ours is to control other dimensions in our dreams.

If you are a more powerful dream symbiotic then you get to control people in dimensions that have more powerful superpowers.

This is why I always try to leave my dream world in a better state than

“won’t let you use the Titan mech suits.

Am I reading this right?
Isn’t that Titanfalls main gimmick?

I guess i’m just frustrated because big ass mechs would have been something new to the battle royal mix, and maybe finally make teamplay actually feel kickass once a team-member dons the mech, and your squad mows

Edge of Tomorrow is the same premise, and could have been a kickass videogame.

Half Metal gear solid - Sneak Portions.
Half Titanfall.

“The story isn’t anywhere near as interesting as Fire Emblem’s”

Everything is helpful.

The CORE of the problem is society teaching children that being as wealthy as scrooge McDuck is awesome.

Instead of gratitude, and patience.

I can 100% get behind an anime about wanting to be left alone.

Far too often desire for solitude is treated as negative behavior.

I think I might give this anime a shot if I can find some time.

They’re fighting back against a shitty move. Publishers need to know which lines to cross and which not to. Would you have wanted EA to have had no push-back from turning Battlefront 2 into a Pay-to-Win game with lootboxes? The majority of gamers didn’t want their product to be that way so they pushed back.

Doubtless, the Epic Games Store needs work, but Steam’s stranglehold isn’t good for anyone, and competition—something people have been begging for for years—isn’t always friendly.”

I really hope Epic has paid them an awful lot of money for exclusive rights.

Yes the backlash is ridiculously childish.
But they HAD to have seen this coming.

My best guess is pre-orders were lower than hoped, and they optioned for the exclusive rights money, and hoped they could slip under the crazed eye of consumers.

The reaction is less they want it on Steam. It’s more they’re upset that they did this so close to the release date, after it had been up for preorder on Steam. Afterall, you only have to look at games that released on other platforms like Origin, and see quite a lack of outcry for those games. Heck I think there was

Chariana Portable, and Chariana Grande.

Best move? Own it. Roll with it. She should sponsor a popular brand of portable grill, kick in endorsements, the whole shebang, a la George Foreman. Call it “Ariana Grillde” or something just as silly. Watch it sell like hotcakes.

Am I the only one who stopped caring when hearing “XX staff member worked on game you love

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That one scumbag who wont leave you alone.

Game looks like it can be a lot of fun.

[subjective opinion]

Now playing

Castle crashers was amazing.
But when I saw the the link preview I definitely thought it was gonna be the intro theme.