
Look at these “Definitely not like the other bullshit Micro-transactions.”

They’re really great. “Definitely not sponsored”.

From the little time I spent revisiting League of Legends after they introduced crafting.

No-one actually thinks it’s fun until you win something big.

It’s a similar experience to Overwatches loot boxes, you sorta get a little boost of dopamine when you get some stuff.

But after those big wins, you start getting just


Whelp i’m out lol.

I like to imagine that every dimension actually gets a super-power, and ours is to control other dimensions in our dreams.

If you are a more powerful dream symbiotic then you get to control people in dimensions that have more powerful superpowers.

This is why I always try to leave my dream world in a better state than

It’s so surreal looking.

“won’t let you use the Titan mech suits.

Am I reading this right?
Isn’t that Titanfalls main gimmick?

I guess i’m just frustrated because big ass mechs would have been something new to the battle royal mix, and maybe finally make teamplay actually feel kickass once a team-member dons the mech, and your squad mows

Edge of Tomorrow is the same premise, and could have been a kickass videogame.

Half Metal gear solid - Sneak Portions.
Half Titanfall.

“The story isn’t anywhere near as interesting as Fire Emblem’s”

I really hope Epic has paid them an awful lot of money for exclusive rights.

Yes the backlash is ridiculously childish.
But they HAD to have seen this coming.

My best guess is pre-orders were lower than hoped, and they optioned for the exclusive rights money, and hoped they could slip under the crazed eye of consumers.

Chariana Portable, and Chariana Grande.

Am I the only one who stopped caring when hearing “XX staff member worked on game you love

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That one scumbag who wont leave you alone.

Game looks like it can be a lot of fun.

[subjective opinion]

Now playing

Castle crashers was amazing.
But when I saw the the link preview I definitely thought it was gonna be the intro theme.

Now playing

This menu theme kept me playing this game for years, and years.

I haven’t played in 8-9 months.
Just before it exploded into mainstream.

But I Remember going to squads to troll.

Basically float in the air for a few minutes waiting for the team to pick a direction, then go the polar opposite angle from all of them, and chameleon around the map while they all died.

Just something

Feels like if Beat Saber, and DDR were combined, it would be one hell of a great workout.

Usually I get thrown off when a game that doesn’t feel that old reaches a milestone.

But something about Minecraft makes if feel like it’s been out for almost 20.

Not a single writer on staff spends any time on Youtube, or news sites these days?

Two new years later, and this comment is more relavant than ever lol.