the forlorn pope

It’s a battle of attrition.

Few points of clarification that I felt should note regarding bedbugs that didnt get mentioned:

Honestly the best bar stool sports content I’ve ever seen. 

It’s a perfect example of how he argues. After claiming that Kobe was one of the best players in 2010-2013, he whips out “25th in VORP for 2012” and hopes that the first two numbers cover for it. Get the hell out of here, man!

This is monumentally terrible advice. If your first leg gets delayed or altered in such a way that it makes getting on your second leg impossible, you have zero recourse if you book the legs separately. If you book them together, then the airline has to accommodate you. Even if it’s separate airlines but you booked on

In the history of the Takeout Draft, I have never before seen anyone lose a draft on the first pick.

You can’t maintain a bad, bloated, and often harmful system because some people don’t want to look for a new job. Imagine you’re talking about coal miners, saying the exact same thing. Should their industry be propped up, despite the harm it does, because they’re concerned about transitioning to a new field?

Sasha and Malia aren’t part of team New Nazi,  so yea, we’d be pretty mad.

As far as chemistry goes, this is somewhere between Union Carbide Bhopal and a North Korean meth mega-lab.

When you’ve been able to buy solutions your whole life, the concept that others can’t do the same is simply alien.

that’s... not really what the israel-palestine conflict is about.

The fact that I have to explain the joke... never mind

It’s unsustainable and unfair and won’t change as long as unscrupulous universities keep feeding graduate students Ph.D.s that they know will have little value in the current academic job market.

I didn’t think of that! I mean I did know that they provide money for flights back to the US but I never thought about coming back to stay with my mother in the US. The only problem is that she turned 79 this year. Time is running out for her living alone. I don’t know. . .  But you have to do what you have to do.

The whole system is a raw deal and is not sustainable in the long run. When I got out, I was going to give myself two years to get a full time job. No adjuncting. Failing that, I was bailing on academia entirely.

It’s a truly bizarre process, and if you strike it rich and find a good position, you should count your blessings and dig in for the long haul.

came here to say this. he broke his nose because he was bunting like an asshole.

It’s all just Harden trying to off Paul in increasingly wacky “Home Alone” type scenarios, so he can collect a life insurance policy he took out on him.

50 bucks says they’re relaunching as a crypto site

So my mom died very unexpectedly this year, and I had to deal with the 30+ years of stuff in her house. This included two entire sets of good china, a set of Christmas china, and about a thousand little knick knacks. We kept everything that had a story (“Great so-and-so carried that tea set in her lap from New York to