the forlorn pope

I’ve also had to convince my wife that coconut oil is not a hair product that one should wash down the drain.

For sink clogs I’ve started just removing the u joint straight away to save time.

I’ll always go with crushed Butterfinger. The sweet, salty chocolate /peanut combination is awesome, but it gets even better with the crispy texture. Mix toasted coconut in with it for additional textural complexity and you’re golden.

Hell yes.

I’m pretty sure the mother will eat it in this situation. 

I appreciate the hand wringing and all, but let’s not forget that this is in San Diego, where 60% of bee swarms are Africanized and not to be fucked with lightly. When one of those bees stings or is killed, it releases a pheromone that alerts the other bees to go on the defensive. On the not insignificant chance that

Although I’m totally on board with sausage here, I feel that this was unfairly weighted against Kevin since sausage as a category is so broad and encompasses so many awesome formats.

In Dublin, it’s either the rent, the banks or the insurance companies. I’m not sure which is in the lead at the moment. 

Cabin in the Woods is joy in its purest form.

The eye contact rule is the only reason I’m alive today after six years of living in Beirut (the jaywalking capital of the world).

As a man, I approve of anything that makes our genitals or the things that happen with them sound silly. It seems like a mildly effective first move against macho hyper-masculine bullshit.

I think that smoking and flares would significantly improve the in-game experience in most NBA arenas.

You could revive the use of ground mummy as alternative medicine and sell it as an unregulated supplement - also on Etsy.


The benefit of this new trend is that their unrealistic understanding of anatomy will probably lead to some pretty comical post-op visual results. Then we can spot and ridicule these Mock Chads far more easily.

Pre-reading maps is helpful. It’s easier to predict a route if I know where something should be. If it isn’t there, I backtrack to a place where I can orient myself accurately.

It really is amazing that some people have a sense for their own location and others never develop one. My wife could get lost in her own

I felt like it was Thompson pushing it rather than Burneko, who was just talking shit about how stupid the whole situation was. 

You want to go up 30,000 feet? Get on a fucking plane. This is the experiential equivalent of buying a Porsche.

Holy mole

The 49ers were the ones who drafted Bosa