
They were ALMOST there. Google “SHOstar” and Ford together.

Well, seeing is how the right thing is to use both lanes up to the merge, then do a proper zipper merge, blocking people to try to force them to merge 2 to 3 miles in advance is improper lane use at best and obstructing traffic at worst. This is the position of the Michigan State Police, who hold jurisdiction over the

Myself and a small band of like-minded individuals managed to turn the tables on a “YOU MUST MERGE NOW BECAUSE I WILL BLOCK YOU WHILE DRIVING REALLY SLOW” asshole in a Ram pulling a double axle trailer. 2 miles to the merge (they mark it here) I get the *insert venomous name* to move far enough into the left lane

As a former Ford tech (recovering), it pisses me off that these are the people that dictate MY image as a professional technician.

Don’t try turning their numbers against them, it doesn’t work. Their feelings are their only truth, and when they find numbers that they think validate their feelings, they never let go of them.  Some people control their feelings, and others let their feelings control them.

Guilty or innocent, the old dude has GRIT, and I like that. Until I learn more about the situation, I’m going to fight the urge to root for Gramps.

No, but you’ll want to do yourself a favor by emptying your car before alignment. This is why the manufacturer gives ranges with a preferred measurement directly in the middle, so that when the vehicle is loaded it can be reasonably expected that things are in range. these are reasons why people get shitty alignments;

First, I’m sorry you had a bad time, and it’s frustrating for us both. The younger techs may not understand the complex interactions involved, and that green is not automatically good. You learn this by experience. Ask for a senior tech, things will go better for you.

Nobody doing alignments on expensive equipment and bearing professional credentials is aligning your car by the horseshoes and hand-grenades principle. And the widest min/max delta I’ve ever encountered on a spec sheet is 2 degrees caster (or +/- 1 degree from preferred) 1 degree camber (+/- .5 degrees from preferred)

Ride height changes with age and loading. Ride height changes literally EVERY angle.  That’s what happens to your alignment.

Here’s the reason why regular alignment checks are important. I said “check” as in measure and decide whether or not to act. The interaction between caster, camber and toe is complex all on it’s own and the reason is because secondary angles exist, like SAI (steering axis inclination), scrub radius, and torque angle an

It actually IS my option. It’s called freedom. They’re also MY consequences, so if I want to risk it, his freedom-hating sheep-ass fuckbaggery can piss right the hell off. Eat a dick, delicious and nutritious.

Sienna drivers are not EXCLUSIVELY miserable pretentious back-biting misanthropes, but it DOES seem to be their favorite beige-pod.


Toyota and Honda are expected targets for anybody trying to throw themselves on the top of the reliability heap, but I’m surprised they threw Ford in there. Or maybe not, If Chrysler is so good, how come they can’t stay in business for 10 full years without having to sell most of their company to a foreign automaker

I like it. It shows where the business happens, and highlights exactly who it’s all for and what the car is about. The driver.

I’ve worked on some of these type of limos back when I was electrical specialist at a Ford dealer. Death traps. Rolling coffins, one and all, with a million ways for the rigged up, patched together mostly NON-circuit protected wiring to burn one to the ground. Far more common is over-fused circuits, because “why

As much as I hate to say it, I think this is a 3 door coupe.  I could be wrong, and in fact, I’ve been wrong before, but it seems like a door.  If it’s a door, I count 3, but with one on the back, it’s still technically a coupe.  So, 3 door coupe.

I see no evidence that the strong-arming of the left for gun control has had any positive impact at all. If we can’t or won’t effectively enforce the laws we have now, how could new ones that we can’t or won’t enforce make any difference? From my perspective it’s only made life harder for those who do their best to be

I tend to think of myself as a moderate conservative, but despite that, I’m totally with you on the costs and pitfalls of outrage culture. And this is for you: