
I don't use quite as complicated a method, but it's similar - which is why is SUCKS SO MUCH when some website tells me "Sorry, we can't use spaces/special characters/etc in our password." Screws my system to hell every time, and I can never remember what alteration to my usual method I used when I come back to the

That works too, although my problem was always that I would intent to label the food, not have a pen on me at the moment, leave in the fridge intending to come back and label it later, then forget about it for a month.

I use a method involving a single, difficult-to-crack master key, to which I add modifiers referencing the site for which I'm creating a password. I like it because the password I end up getting is pretty difficult to crack on its own (ends up being alphanumeric with capitals and special characters, and 16-20

The problem is, some shared fridges have a stated policy of "if it's not labeled, it's up for grabs." In which case someone who actually wants to get rid of food would put it in there without a label. If no on eats it, it goes bad and everyone suffers. So in such a case you would want to eat food you hadn't put in

I knew a guy in college who worked on a nearby ranch. He used to use opaque food containers and write things like "Bull XGY347, semen sample #3" on them. Worked every time.

To be quite fair, I probably couldn't tell Bud from Miller from Coors in a blind taste test either. They all taste equally flavorless to me.

Don't kegs tend to be fresher? At least I always seem to notice that the beers on tap at my local bars taste better than when I buy the same in bottles.

Shakespeare had it down, back in Hamlet:

Agreed. I honestly can't appreciate most live music at its normal volume. It's simply too loud for me to focus on. Part of that might be that I grew up listening to classical music played at very moderate volumes, so I got used to listening hard to pick out the subtleties, but most if it I think is just that live

Is there a way to do this such that when the desktop background changes, the Start screen does as well? I use a slideshow for my desktop, so is there a way to keep them synchronized?

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