
That was my first thought.

Fish don’t play around like mammals do. I was thinking either it was having convulsions or there was something that was irritating it. Turns out it was trying to get rid of something on its skin by slamming its body into the water.

Thanks for posting that.

It’s China...

Their government steals islands from their neighbors and dump island-sized quantities of sand over coral reefs. This is relatively mild compared to that.

If you actually know how to play Dota 2 specifically, you’d know that it’s not really slow at all. It’s actually many moves and decisions made in a matter of split seconds.

Imagine a Dungeons & Dragons all nighter happening in one match. While playing ping pong.

This one’s easy...

At least it wasn’t Voyeurmon.

Years ago I heard about this underground thing in the UK where couples would post on this special forum where they’re going to have sex in public. The people in the forums would go and find this location and watch the couple have sex (usually in a car) while they all gather and watch the

This was the same issue purchasers had with Team Fortress 2 and the addition of hats.

That game the hipsters wanted. Vanilla TF2. It would have done the same as Day of Defeat Source. You know where Day of Defeat Source is in the Steam Stats page? It’s not in the Steam Stats page. The game they wanted died a long time

In my opinion, it’s what Roddenberry originally intended that really matters.

That being said, I am glad George Lucas has no more creative input in Star Wars.

You’re free to mod CSGO to have access to all those items. But that’s not the point.

Those items are expensive because they are rare. They are rare in the official servers which is the only thing that matters. You see, the official servers keep tabs of the virtual items your account owns either by receiving it

Okay now that we’ve seen it... could we launch Cooper Station now?

Now playing

You want a real truther problem?

That goddamn thing happening in the Middle East where everyone is unaware how tribal mentality and a book with instructions to kill everyone else will never ever bring them peace.

It is not about the oil. It is about cultures. It’s a closed circuit catch 22. I can’t wait until we

This is the country who has parents who buy adult videogames for their kids and blame McDonald’s for making them fat.

I’m not surprised that they all think that it’s Valve’s fault. Anything of perceived value can be purchased with real money even outside a controlled virtual economy.

I’m fine with the H3H3 video except

So nobody had any reference as to what the mountain looked like before the landslide?

It looks to me like a mountain just collapsed. The landslide didn’t seem to come from a side of a mountain. I think that spill is/was the mountain.

Nobody wondered about this?

In the real world, a no-kill Batman will either make no sense or make him one of the most short lived heroes ever.

How in the world could you deal with a bunch of heavily armed thugs while increasing your chances of not being dieded?

I seriously have an issue with scenes where the movie hero just goes against armed

Steven should have known better than to release a movie with a title that might be confused for a Big Fucking Gun by a generation of gamers.

Frankly my dear, I don’t build a dam.

Before you call something ugly, you must put up an image of what car or shoe you think is beautiful.

I have a strong feeling that whatever you think is good, many of us would find ugly.

Popular basketball sneakers right now are hideous. It’s like they were designed for clowns or cosplayers.

Why won’t anyone make a wheeled robot with the guts of a desktop pc? I mean that’s the most common type of computer in a house and it’s more powerful than any smartphone. I’d love to have my desktop pc roll around the house and greet me as I arrive.

Patrick Klepeck, you missed the chance to link to this epic thread on Reddit where Palmer gets rekt by acting like an asshole mistreating his customers.