
Why did he jump out? Was he trying to reboot the car??

The ad is still winning because people talk about it.

This is really really good guys! Congrats!!

Love the friendly language, thx

There is one more significance of the octagonal shape that I didn’t see being mentioned here.

Nice guide, thanks. One thing that would be helpful to add is what service is available on what hardware players. (Such as Apple TV or Roku. I don’t really consider Chromecast a true player until they come out with a dedicated remote.)

Then i’m a weirdo; because I am not old, and I get a kick out of haggling for a car.

Thanks for bringing this up. It annoys me too, more than it should. Along with vertical videos.

This story made me wonder....

Sorry, but in this day and age you can’t just disable Bluetooth and call it a day. Way too many devices use it (smart watches for instance), and you’re just advocating for a terrible UX.

Weeellll..... if you’re too chill in NYC, what’s going to happen is that everyone will cut in front of you. Then, you make some safety room, so another driver will cut you off; then repeat. In theory you would never get to your destination, plus everyone will hate you as the guy holding up traffic. Unfortunately (I

That explains why they stopped offering all-tan interiors with the 2018 model year.

Let’s wait and see. “Working groups” are pretty common everywhere. The telecom industry comes to mind with their countless working groups, mostly driving standardization. It’s very difficult to draw a line between establishing principles for an industry and collusion.

In the luxury segment, other brands seem to be constantly ahead of Cadillac. A friend of mine, who is a long time GM fan, just went and bought a G90. He says it’s just better, in every way.

There is something deeply terrifying about being on a planet with a permanent night-side. “Don’t go in there!” “Aaaaah” *slurp*

They are OK for 24k. But once you start punching above the 30k mark, your options open up to a different ballgame. BMW 230i and the Mustang EB come to mind. That’s why I don’t believe actual Civic Si sales transactions will occur over sticker.

Correct. Connecticut is such state.

Two things:

Already took care of my E46, as soon as it was available. Most people are dumb.