
how about button down shirts that are sized according to bra size and waist size? For example instead of my usual large size shirt, it would be 36D / 30.

If it isn't see-through when it gets wet, really what's the practical difference between a bra and panties and a bikini?

How is this not distribution of child pornography?

Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.

I think the moral here is that no good comes of sexting your cousin.

Leaving aside all judgment on promiscuity and health concerns, I just feel like this is an awful lot of work for one measly little drink.

Burpees are fucking hard and I tip my hat to anyone who can be said to do "too many" of them. So shut up, "weight expert." GAH are we really going to give people crap about being too fit now? Because that is insane.

It makes me homicidally enraged whenever a woman is compared to a man and then made to feel unattractive for showing her physical strength. It's like oh so you're applauded for being big strong man, me on the other hand must NEVER be strong because what? It fucks with your ego? You're too insecure to cuddle with a

"not that I'd risk offending her by asking" — I'll just write it into my story, passive aggressively.

This makes me love Mila Kunis even more, which I didn't think was even possible, and haaaaaaate the dickbag interviewing her.

In person she is not only gorgeous but also very warm and kind. Not scary at all!

I'm sick of always hearing about what body part women are unhappy with. Let's start talking about what we love about ourselves, and each other.

Well, in the article I'm summarizing The Dissolve's points, actually. But I was really not impressed with the characterization of Wyldstyle. She's 100% the second fiddle.

Erin, Great job getting this out prior to the pro-Terry piece is published by New York magazine.

I work with special needs people. Tons of us are in it because we love this line of work and want to help people, plenty of us are in it because this is an easy job to get, but there are a few sick, twisted fucks who want to work with a population that can be easy to exploit. I wish this particular sick, twisted fuck

I'm surprised there hasn't been much talk about Miss Pennsylvania, whose story was that she was conceived as a result of her mother being raped and how she wanted to reach out to tell other people that they can achieve anything they want, regardless of where they come from. Given the stigma, I think it's a pretty