
I got Frostpunk, when is it coming to consoles?

Final Fantasy XIV anyone?

Nah, that’s just a JRPG thing.

Oh god, I could not figure out the fishing on this game so o gave up. I still have it on my ps4, should I go back?

Yeah, I’m just to keep on waiting for the Mother 4 that will never happen.

Just wait until you see the amount of people who will regret buying a switch.

Nah, but I’ll probably get them from the Google Play store pretty soon.

I just beat IV like an hour ago, VII is next.

Why is no one talking about the fact that this is written by freaking Warren Ellis? There have to be some comic geeks around that realize this is a Really Big Fucking Deal.

What? I love Teddy.

Gamefly accidentally gave Me a free copy of the first, but I kept dying n gave up. Probably should git gud.

Oh god the memes that arise from this are going to be with us for years.

I played like 10 hours of this on a bc ps3 last year. I was planning on finishing it on ps2, but this might get released in us.

I’ve gone crafter/gather crazy in final fantasy xiv so a lot of that with a bit of tales of xillia 2 to break up monotony.

Yeah, they just had to release this and Stormblood in the same month. Good time to be a jrpg fanatic if trump doesn’t kill us all first.

Heavensward is much better.

I was rsnting and cursing and on the verge of smashing shit bcuz of lost odyssey this morning.

My 3ds got sick so I had to mail it in to get fixed. This means I can’t play Dragon Quest on it, so I bought iv for android.

Well that’s good to know. Thank you.

Fuck me, there’s a stealth system in this game? I hate stealth more than anything. It does not belong in jrpgs. I picked the game back up a couple days but I think ima go back to waiting for the patch.