
And here my boyfriend and I spent the past 9 years putting away half of our paychecks every month to save up to buy a house, and we considered ourselves very privileged.

fun fact:

Neither party has made false accusations for financial gains. There was never an intent of physical or emotional harm.

Wait....if no one was arrested or even caught, how can the victim be detained? I’m confused as to what they wanted to gain from keeping the swimmers in the country

Forgiveness is not owed, it’s earned. The concept of restorative justice implies that the transgressor has accepted they have erred, as you can see this gentleman does no believe that’s the case. If you want to make a habit of forgiving people who won’t even admit they’ve wronged you go right ahead , but don’t ask me

What is the connection between a guy who was found not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and thus was never incarcerated, and the mass incarceration problem? His acquittal entitled him to not being incarcerated. It didn’t entitle him to anyone’s respect, to not have to answer questions, or to be free from criticism.

Let me mansplain your rape for you. It wasn’t actually rape you enjoyed my dick in your mouth its totally fine you don’t remember.

As a victim of rape (and a woman of colour), I was unable to get through the whole transcript. I feel like throwing up, to be perfectly honest.

From the transcript:

This made me sob with relief.

Why would we need to hear from her when we have all these men around to tell people how she should/would handle sexual harassment?

“Shrill” means “Spoken by a woman who is daring to challenge a man”

What a coincidence! It just so happens that there’s virtually always something objectionable about the voices of women who speak up in public. I’m sure it has nothing to do with internalized sexism. Just like how women are criticized for every vocal trait imaginable—saying “like” too much, upspeak, vocal fry—while men

Yes, because Trump’s voice is sweet, gentle and music to the ears. He never raises his voice. And he smiles constantly! So it’s completely fair to expect the same of Hillary.

Bernie pulled the party platform significantly to the left. This was a big accomplishment, and something that means a lot to those of us that support a social-democrat platform over a traditional machine democrat platform. He was tactful and well-spoken tonight, carefully aligning his campaign goals with the new party

There were a few times when you could see her take a breath to compose herself - she’s a magnificent speaker and you could really see the gravity of her mission and now passionately she believes in it.

DNC shenanigans aside, the difference in tone between the two conventions has never been clearer. Look at Michelle’s speech - full of hope and positivity, compared to... well, anyone’s speech at the RNC, full of fear, hate, ignorance, lies, and violence. Sigh.

Good for you! It’s wearing as fuck being told all the time to lighten up (I hear that one a lot too!) and basically being gaslighted into feeling like you’re overreacting by simply being offended by truly offensive shit! I don’t have kids but it’s really heartening to hear there are parents like you working so hard to

The fact that Kristallnacht needs to be defined twice in this article is kinda proof enough that people have NO FUCKING CLUE how horrible shit got and how Hitler got started. So no, the language isn’t too strong. Trump is a fucking Nazi.