Friends: Today is my last day at Jezebel.
Friends: Today is my last day at Jezebel.
Why has their been so much turn over lately? I'm guessing no one would actually answer that question. However, it feels very disconcerting to me.
I think it's sue-worthy without the race issue involved. You can't run a business like a sperm bank and go mixing vials up. Fuck them! How hard is it to match a vial sticker with a number and place it with the right people? Give me a break.
If she's suing for the funds it will take to relocate her family and keep them afloat until new jobs are found, I'll allow it. That seems like an expense that is necessary for this child's well-being that would not have been necessary but for the mixup. If she's suing for emotional distress, she can get bent.
When I came out, my mom told me:
I've begged my dad to leave my mom for years due to her emotional and verbal abuse. It's so hard to watch a parent feel like they're trapped.
Dude here. Many years ago, I was sent a text in reply to a voicemail I'd left for a girl I was seeing. It read something like, "Hi [my name], thanks for your call. I've had fun with you, but I really don't see a future."
I thought Frozen took a look at the tropes Disney built itself on and tried to find a way to subvert them but still keep to the spirit of a Disney movie. I certainly never felt there was "man bashing" ( can we please not make this a thing btw. I only speak for myself and #notallmen but frankly we've done enough shit…
I'm sorry to hear you went through/still harbor some conflicting feelings over your parents situation.
I used to wish my mom had left my dad, too. My earliest memories are of the constant yelling, him calling her an idiot, her crying. They've been married 35 years. I don't see those big "milestone" anniversaries with the same rose-tinted glasses as lots of other people. I see a couple who should have divorced 30+ years…
This will probably be the most difficult comment I've ever had to write on here because it took me seeing a psychologist to realize that my parents weren't in a typical relationship where they would have arguments once in a while. No. My mom has been in a emotionally abusive relationship with my dad for 22 years…
Wow. Was hoping they'd make a statement more like "as an official sponsor, we ask that the NFL lay out immediate plans and outline punishments for players and coaches that perpetrate domestic violence, or we'll be forced to pull our sponsorship." But I'm crazy, so.
I'm just so very glad that we are talking about this problem. That we are being vocal about how it's not right and that we should not have to put up with it.
I was walking home yesterday from the market and some asshole did the "You'd look prettier with a smile" thing to me and I told him he'd be prettier if he just…
Good for them.
She's already suffering. Now people will have to witness it in a more tangible way.
Columbia University senior Emma Sulkowicz (whom we have written about before) has taken her experience attending…
For real. You can bet they would be upset if there was a subreddit of /r/lockerroomwieners floating around. Oh really? You think that some of these pictures were most likely not taken with the consent of their subjects and that it's a violation of their legal privacy to do so? So weird... You shouldn't use gyms. It's…
If you read the language of the bill, which I am sure you did not, you'd see that affirmative consent is not necessarily defined as "affirmative verbal consent." It's defined as "an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement" by both parties to engage in sexual activity. Consent can be nonverbal; California…
The story of your friend? I don't feel bad in the slightest. Guess what, actions have consequences. Mistakes are nothing more than poorly chosen actions, and they still have consequences. Oh, and I don't consider that an accident. That's an incident.