Go easy on yourself. These are tough times. Do whatever you need to to take care of you. Doesn’t do any good to feel bad about feeling bad. We’ve still got a long road ahead. Go ahead and take a breather and try to feel better.
Go easy on yourself. These are tough times. Do whatever you need to to take care of you. Doesn’t do any good to feel bad about feeling bad. We’ve still got a long road ahead. Go ahead and take a breather and try to feel better.
1 + 1 = 2. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a duck. And if you don’t want to call it a duck maybe start asking yourself why it’s important to you, what’s in it for you, that it’s not a duck. You’re in denial because deep down you believe it’s in your best interest to be in denial.
Can you point me to where in the article the author talks about “withdrawing consent”?
It’s weird to me that you read that and took away from it that the author is saying it was rape. That wasn’t my takeaway at all.
You’re right, it’s not one to one. It’s not EXACTLY the same thing. I wasn’t trying to say it is. And yet, it’s not hard to envision that statement coming out of a Trump supporters mouth.
I think you’ve missed my entire point. Go back and re-read.
There you go again. Where did I throw the baby out with the bathwater?
Not so sure. I’m sure a lot of Trump supporters would say something like “if there’s merit to the accusations then charge him. Innocent until proven guilty!”
You must be a journalist. No wonder Trump won.
Yeah not seeing the words “just as bad” which you quoted me as saying.
Find where I said “just as bad” in my comments. I’ll wait.
You sound exactly like a Trump voter.
Thank you. It’s driving me nuts reading all these comments with people twisting themselves in knots to make this all ok. It’s not ok and we can say it.
Yeah that’s not what I said. Keep on misrepresenting though!
Did you miss the part where I said it wasn’t the money that bothers me? It’s that so many “democrat” men are misogynists. They’re both bad even if not equally so.
No... the problem is that men like him identify as democrats. These men think they’re liberal. Hollywood is full of men like him and they identify as liberals. The problem is that we’re surrounded by “liberal” men who abuse women. And that means there is no political party for feminists.
To me it’s not so much the money it’s the hypocrisy- the completely blind acceptance of misogyny. The democrats are supposed to be the be feminist choice (or at least the best one we’ve got.) But the call is coming inside the house.... you know what I mean?
I’m still pretty convinced they are.
So you’re saying the universal truth is that there is no universal truth?
It’s not hard to envision this statement coming out of a Trump supporter’s mouth rationalizing why they voted for him despite the harassment accusations.