
Ok, so maybe doing Superman doesn’t effect your hormones. But power poses definitely effect how other people percieve you. I’m surrounded by dudes at work who stand/walk/sit in the most alpha ways they can and people take them more seriously because of it.

Now playing

Sexist? Yes, I do agree! People wouldn’t give half as many shits about her tone if she were a man. However, male candidates *are* also judged on how they connect emotionally as well. I watched CNN’s “Race to the Whitehouse” about Bush v Dukakis recently. They spoke about how a lot of people this Dukakis lost the race

I must me missing something. There are no words? How can it be the theme song if she’s not thanking me for being a friend? Can I not hear words anymore? What’s happening?

I just posted about the same story!

Heard an amazing story from Mariya Karimjee about FGM on This American Life a few weeks ago. After hearing this I have a hard time judging this girl’s mother.

Goldie Hawn is a national treasure.

Ok, random internet person, we’ll take your word for it.

Who knows if there’s any veracity to it but:

Yeah, I remember all that too. Sometimes success goes to people’s heads and they change. Could be that’s what happened here. Just rubs me the wrong way, you know?

And to think I used to like Nathan Fillion. Thought he seemed like a nice guy... How wrong I was, apparently.

That’s a good point. If it’s a full time job- hell, if it’s even part time- that means he can’t hold down another job. The percentage of concerts could be considered a retirement plan or extra compensation for having to be or of the job market. It's not like he could go get another conservatorship if this one ends-

You totally hit the nail on the head. The success of the series as a whole completely depends on the show writers’ (and Martin’s) ability to bring them all back together and weave together loose ends effectively.

Sister got hers. Now she’s saying “FUCK YOU” to everyone trying to get theirs. Are you a Republican too?

This sounds pretty similar to what we’re planning for our wedding.

Not everyone uses service dogs simply to walk. I understand that it is terribly abused but there are numerous legitimate reasons for people to require their service dogs.

You’re supporting other women simply by saying their gender doesn’t matter in this context. That’s how I interpret that quote, anyway.

But what if Hillary Clinton were running against Sarah Palin? Then what??? All our lady brains would explode!

What do you mean by that? I quick google tells me Bernie considers himself very pro-choice.

I don’t think the children abused and raped by Catholic priests were limited to white people but I could be wrong.