
What I noticed is that trends really don't move *that* fast. But also, marketing is always behind on them :-/

Never attribute malice to that which can be adequately explained by incompetence, right? This can most assuredly be explained by incompetence. All of the (likely many) people involved in the design and making of that shirt are just cogs in a greater machine all doing their bit parts. I was always a little terrified

Maybe you haven't noticed, but there is a considerable disagreement about what constitutes rape.

And I bet someone always came along to remind you that swastikas have a lot of meaning outside of being a Nazi symbol, am I right? *wink wink*

Ahhh, I think I can just barely make it out. In that case, I can add another level:

I know it must seem crazy, but having worked in mass market consumer goods I can understand how these things happen. It goes something like this:

Oh for Christ's sake. You know exactly what I mean. This is why lawyers get such a bad rap, FYI. I'm a lay person, if I was inexact with my wording than fucking sue me.

So adorable. Both of them.

The law says that people cannot give meaningful consent while intoxicated in many jurisdictions across the country.

Elaborate then.

I feel your pain. They Sephora ladies were no help to me. They put stuff on that looked pretty ok in the store but once I got outside I looked like an Oompa Loompa.

The palest and most readily available foundation I've found is Nars Sheer Matte (they also have Sheer Glow is that's your thing) in Siberia. None of the other brands at Sephora work for me. Yay Nars!

Look! I can use bold too!

I saw another article that said the man wouldn't remove the device even after flight attendants instructed him to. Dude was a jerk. Throwing things is the reaction of a child though.

lol. This is one of the most blatant examples of not-reading-the-fucking-article I've ever seen. RTFA.

That's a good question for a lawyer. I am not one.

I served as a juror on a trial that essentially came down to he said/she said, and I get what she's saying. I was absolutely shocked that part of my job as a juror was simply to decide who I believed was credible and who wasn't for no other reason than I believed them or I didn't. Having said that- the law says that

You think I was mocking her? I assure you I wasn't. Calm down. (And FYI, this kind of reactionary comment is one of the reasons I started avoiding this site.)

She reminded me of Lucy up there too! I dfinitely don't love the concept of the bit, but Sofia did manage to make it funny. She's a talented comedienne for sure.

I don't understand it one damn bit. And actually I'm not opposed to shapeless sacks as a fashion statement. I love me some Madewell.