
Do you really think that’s a distinction?  An alternate timeline is an alternate universe.  you must be fun during the trailers at the start of movies: IN A WORLD WHERE--Liam: TECHNICALLY IT TAKES PLACE IN SEVERAL MUNICIPALITIES

lol my bad, yeah Spielberg’s approach to comedy was like “Let’s suffocate this!”

I’m looking forward to Topher Grace editing all of the Venom movies into one thing worth watching

Golshifteh Farahani?  She was so good in Paterson, at least she is getting a check!

I’m a critic of the long-shot when it is’s a tool, not an artistic thing by itself.  The parts in 1941 that were mind-blowing weren’t that it was a long take, it was that the camera seemed to fly up above trenches and across ponds through I am assuming very well-done CGI track-concealment.  Like, the

To your point, several independent record stores near me will either ship you a record or give it to you curbside if you call ahead. We all have to do whatever we can to take a few extra minutes and not get everything from Amazon and Walmart (and I’m as guilty as anybody of that--I remember when I found out the site I

“The scene took three days to shoot, so each day we told everybody Jesus Christ would personally appear the next day.  They never caught on.  They’re cleaning my house right now--Hey guys!  Jesus just called, he’s gonna be a little late he’s stuck on the 405...what?  the 405 is empty because of COVID?  Yeah I meant

that hat middleditch is wearing...he could do a “National Lampoon’s Loaded Weapon 1" takeoff of how John Cusack wears a plain black baseball cap in every movie where he’s supposed to be a badass.

I’m not sure that became apparent, I think it became what the media narrative turned to, but I wouldn’t consider MRAs and Gamergaters “nerds”—not every piece of shit behind a computer is a nerd or a geek.

Braveheart lifted heavily from Chimes at Midnight as had Branagh’s Henry V but I think the main thing it stole was the name Braveheart, which apparently was Robert the Bruce.

Movie: “It’s root for the jock!”
Next Movie: “This jock...has hidden depths! Rootforthejock 2!”
Next Movie: “This jock...hides that he’s having sex with a beautiful intelligent girl to preserve his social status but we’re going to say he’s really deep and stuff, ROOT FOR THE JOCK!”

fundamentally unlikable people?  The russian populace, for sure!


I don’t understand your response to my response.  Explain why Lindy’s wife was suddenly a conscientious and intelligent American instead of the wife of a Nazi shitbag.

then explain why Lindy’s wife was suddenly Michelle Obama.

I mainly know it as something Bernie Bros call absolutely everybody, so yeah I’m aware of the sexist part also that regulation is a liberal cause can we retire that phrase and move on to something else?  I mean...I don’t quite get it because Carter was a liberal and blamed for over-regulation...but ?

that’s the definition of “neoliberals”? like the primary one? so confusing.  So George Conway is a neoliberal?  Are you certain?

“Hey, ya know, I just noticed that one of our main competitors is named Cinemax and the name ‘HBO Max’ might confuse people.”
“We own Cinemax.”

Not sure why you are posting that as a response to my comment but, yes, this site fucking sucks at copyediting and they rarely fix mistakes even when they are in the header.