
my question is: do these albums have enough gratuitous but somehow not offensive or preachy Jesus songs on them?

I liked my first listen, need to give it more time, it’s sonically definitely Fiona Apple’s Jugband Xmas

I’m glad some of the people took this seriously. The song title “I’ve never been to Georgia” on the Georgia album makes me laugh but if it was even one full album of that scruffy troll stuff it’d make me want to jump off a cliff.  I’m also not sure why this would annoy Sufjan Stevens, even if it was a single album

“There’s nothing happening in Guam, sir!”
-Good Morning, Vietnam-

Is that color wheel adjusted for individual consumers for personal use or is it jammed up with rental car and fleet purchases and cop cars? Even for individual consumers I’d like to see a wheel where it excludes people who plan to use their car for Uber or Lyft where (especially Uber) you are looking at mainly white

Hanx in hiz Spanx

This click-thru format sucks, I just put “36" at the end of the string.

...c’mon, tovarisch, where do you think the republicanskaya are getting their dezinformatsiya from?  Would you like a ruble in these trying times?

Yes.  Thanks!

For me it’s the Beatles, never got into the Stones much. My mom loved both so I never got into insulting one to build up the otehr. in terms of lifting influences, both bands were unapologetically commercial even when they were being way out, so I can’t fault either band too much, not like they were hiding it. There

the writer has to shade that he thinks Biden has senile dementia or he’ll lose his cred on the Occupy Democrats comment threads.

This is the least Bernie Bro post I’ve seen from this columnist. Progressive! Now somebody tell the Onion.

I have to stop reading reviews of this, getting my expectations too high, Pitchfork gave it a straight 10.

or the lavatorial Battleshits Podumpkin

Mamet definitely should have included this interjection, then in the movie, Pacino can just look at Jonathan Pryce for ten second...then continue

Narrator: You won’t want to OVERLOOK...this hotel. (is sued)

has the meat!  no...the movies!  no the BRIAN/BRYANs


wow imagine thinking the songs in Hedwig aren’t tuneful enough?