The ever-present football-player rapist

Uh, just stick the batteries in freezers. It’ll charge ‘em right up.

No, Jane Horrocks is Bubble.

Wait. I’m sorry. “Transylvania University”?

I now patiently await confirmation of my new theory—that Kristen has wooed Lauren with this music video, and that a beautiful romance will blossom as a direct result.

The second thing it tells you is that your information will be collected and sold for profit.

The first thing this app tells you is that if you aren’t one of the cult of apple you are not worthy of any jobs.

Chrono trigger is a square-enix property. Unfortunately, they’re just as bad as Nintendo when it comes to this sort of thing.

I still get annoyed that there isn’t a question mark in ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’.

At least one of the studies I have seen referenced controlled for other, “non-religious social engagement”.

On what grounds should a pharmacist refuse to fill a legal prescription? I’m pretty sure it isn’t “You’re a Cherokee”.

This is like suing a beer company or liquor store for there being a ton of drunks in your town.

I will also say, to me, his play style gave it away.

Really? It sits in a drawer now. Some day my great grand kid will be on Antiques Roadshow with it!

Yeah but it runs Android Wear 2.0. Hard pass.

Yes. I got a coffee machine for my classroom and literally every class had a student who asked why I didn’t get a Keurig. My response was that the coffee maker cost me $9, takes like 30 seconds of work to make a full pot of coffee, and each cup costs about a quarter (much less with a reusable cup) at most. Still

This concept is why I laugh at people who spend big money on snowblowers when I’m able to accomplish the same thing simply by harnessing the power of the sun and channeling it into an intense snowmelting tool that I call “spring”.

Jah, mon. Everyone knows it’s spelled “Irie”.

Weird, I thought being rude and ignorant was a selling point for a conservative media personality. my defense tax day wraps tonight and i am done with filings so starting on the brewskis shortly after noon.