This is not hacking a Game Boy. This is hollowing it out and putting something else inside.
This is not hacking a Game Boy. This is hollowing it out and putting something else inside.
Ellipses are a privilege, not a right.
Memory? Storage != memory.
Fuze has name developers on board
dry lang
you can always know that you’re getting the real thing because the name ‘Parmigiano-Reggiano’ is burned onto its rind in an unmistakable dotted pattern.
Also, smartwatch != watchphone
Only assholes belong to HOAs.
It’s easy to justify the use of a device like Stingray if it’s being used as part of a counter-terrorism operation, where the stakes are high.
He’s the dick. What are you supposed to do, hit the dog with a cattle prod if it strays from between the lines?
The widescreen TV absolutely ruins it.
If you were Tom Clancy, you’d know how to employ the subjunctive mood.
Give us a break - some of us are on dial-up.
You ever hear of “aspect ratios?”
That rig looks incapable of generating 3D video - just panormaic video.
What do rallies have to do with Transportation?
I tend to look for doors and windows that have functional locks on them.
What’s your beef with multiple entrances? That sounds convenient as hell.
But it’s impossible to live “comfortably” in apartments. Shared walls are the abject worst - people are so noisy. So these numbers should all be FAR higher.