They've said he's not going to be Oliver Queen's son. Whether they mean that generally or referring specifically to William remains to be seen (Oliver Queen has had a fair few flings over the years, and a fair few children as a result).
They've said he's not going to be Oliver Queen's son. Whether they mean that generally or referring specifically to William remains to be seen (Oliver Queen has had a fair few flings over the years, and a fair few children as a result).
They'll shift the cast around season after season, but some will probably stay on (presumably they can't get rid of Rip Hunter without totally screwing up the time travel premise, especially as the films have taken his dad).
Legends of Tomorrow is coming… although they are sticking with Connor Hawke as Ollie's replacement.
Danielle Panabaker confirmed it. I'm probably going a bit far saying she'll "go evil", she's going to end up there eventually, and this season will certainly show her start down that route,
She could be, but Earth-1 Caitlin is still going to go evil all the same.
Let's totally screw things up, it was Earth-3 Barry Allen, who will also turn out to be Zoom. Oh and Iris won't be in Earth-2, Wally is her "doppelganger". Why not? More ridiculous things have happened, both on the show and in the comics.
Reading through the comments I would like the words "cute" and "adorable" to be made illegal when discussing couples, I'm that evil and grumpy… and alone.
Eddie shot himself and changed future history, but that was as the result of a chain of events that had to happen to lead to that moment. Eobard Thawne still exists "in the past" because he was still a future possibility then, but now in the present he definitely doesn't exist so isn't present but if you went back in…
Remember there was another him there to stop him? Well that's the problem with time travel, we may already be post-Flashpoint and Barry has set up a never ending paradox to stop it happening again. Every time he does it he shatters history, you don''t want that happening twice, never mind on an infinite loop.
Maybe he is happily married in the TV show too and they are just setting her up for a fall.
And it will turn out its not her son but Joe's, just so they can have another "Joe lied to Iris" story. Of course if they just make the son older than Iris they could try and squeeze Wally in as her nephew still.
Depends what you are asking. If you mean why do they have individual colours, it's because they have separate colours in the comics due to being introduced by different writers and artists over the years with no intention of being considered a set. As for being different between the movies and the comics, it's…
There was indeed such a time, it never ended, people just got too lazy and stopped paying any attention and then went online and find nerds who do pay attention to explain it to them. I know because I am one of those nerds.
It's not really a two part film, it's just a name.
I know, these studios are wasting the opportunities of other filmmakers to make films, why are Marvel Studios making films based on Marvel Comics when they could be making endless spy movies which nobody will dare say are flooding the market.
That's DC, not Marvel. Which is the answer to every comic book question ever, take note.
A feel-good hit is definitely a nice method of lulling the audience into a false sense of security. He's Star-Lord's dad! He's a bit like Jesus! He's… turned purple and evil and now is trying to get the Infinity Gauntlet for himself! Well it is called "Infinity War", were you really expecting it all to be about Thanos?
No cliffhanger. It's two separate stories that are linked together. They had to fit in two other movies in between so Kevin Feige decided it was simpler just to do two separate stories rather than leaving Thanos as god for a year while T'Challa and Carol Danvers were off doing other stuff. It also has the advantage of…
In the comics Thanos gains infinite power starts destroying the universe then realises he's become god and as a result completely lost what he was wanting in the first place (he wanted death to see him as an equal, instead death saw him as a master and so resented him, which made him resent himself, when you are a god…