Ersatz Haderach

So it’s ‘suspicious’ when you write an article on Feinstein, but the same actions are ‘shady’ when it’s a Jezebel article on Burr.

Never saw a former First Lady with shitty merch for sale, dumbass. She and Barry are the biggest wannabe celebs this side of The Real Housewives... That’s right where she should be on that shitshow, but instead she and barry got paid $$$ and all her ‘fans’ got was a stillborn show on Netflix.

It has nothing to do with respecting her or class. She is trying to reinvent herself as some sort of Beyonce/Oprah hybrid. She has no interest in politics, that would be too much work. for the money. She has branded herself with that ‘Becoming’ bullshit merch and is going the way of all wannabe celebs.

I think Harry is pussy-whipped and he’s regretting making this change, bigtime.

And you still aren’t. You’re a political activist masquerading as a journalist.

Because this site is a troll in and of itself.

Girl, you will die from this 12 inches of whiteness

Like the Stormy Daniels tell all?