
One of the facts that I can’t get over is how he used his unemployment checks to buy it. He wasn’t working, he wasn’t attending school, he wasn’t paying any of his own bills, but he was collecting welfare and buying luxury goods for fun. Where are the conservative voices here? Why no label of “welfare queen”? Why no

All the other stuff, sure. But he never owned the gun, so he has no right to get that back.

That isn’t an assault rifle.

The -only- thing that might cause him damage is how badly he bungled unemployment, but people will point to him taking an ax to the red tape him and Voldemort put there to make it way harder to get money and he will likely slide by.

The only thing the Democrats can realistically do is focus on elections and try to gain enough seats that two idiots cannot roadblock the will of the party. All this public anger at Democratic leaders as if they have some mechanism to force these two to vote for this bill shows a lack of understanding regarding the

Floridians have been conditioned to think “Welp, this is how things have always been.”

It was always a long game.

Yup, good luck winning reelection without Emily’s List. She’s done as far as the Senate goes and she has no future as a lobbyist

Nah, Manchin is just scared of not being invited to Republican barbecues and Sinema is so far up her ass she thinks she can run for president. They’re both going to have lonely retirements

Yep. They’re banking on just being able to take the heat and disappear from the cycle for awhile. Which...this time, I don’t know, man...doesn’t seem like a great gambit for them.

Totally normal and not at all depressing.

160 something years after the Civil War, poll taxes and the heirs a of the KKK are still active.

Ron DeSantis wants “an Election Police Force”? Damn, he must have studied the rise of the Third Reich. The American Republican party, the American Nazi party.. same thing!!

Come on Florida, you have to have someone who can defeat this guy next election. A rotten tree stump would be a better leader. Heck, it should be easy, he’s already killed 5% of his own followers.

Interestingly enough, one of Sinema’s biggest donors just announced they’re stopping support for her because of her position on voting rights.

America was always going to end this way. Apartheid states are unstable by nature.

Why do people think they can “convince” Manchin or Sinema. The only thing they’re interested in is keeping their corporate donors happy by making sure this bill goes nowhere. What’s to convince?

Manchin, one of the senators (of our govt) when asked about people losing the right to vote because he, a senator (of our govt) was refusing to allow that right to be protected by,  *checks notes* our govt, replied that no one would lose the right to vote because... the govt. Really.

America is now become a stale mediocre white man scared inaction, they have no more strength from consequences of sedition, hate, misinformation and lies. They are now Russia without the balls to do anything about it.

My mother once commented that “We need to spend a LOT less time in church.” I had her homegoing in the local tribal (Athabaskan Indian) hall.