
I suppose it depends on whether you subscribe to ‘Jesus died to start issuing more tickets to heaven’ leaning christianity or ‘Jesus lived to teach people how to be better people’ leaning christianity. Under the former, Jesus did not accomplish anything with his life except found the church(es) and teach them how to

The whole “you’re heading for endless torture” thing is used as a rationalization for many evils. That any coersion or punishment that get people to become Christian and/or out of hell will be worth it, no matter how shitty it is in a vacuum. There’s a reason conversion therapy is usually religious and claimed to be a

There’s a lot of people you’re throwing under the bus... I’ve got several I’m fighting for every single day. If you care about the courts, and local government and shit please, please don’t give up. I don’t often agree entirely with your posts, but you’re still on the same side of all this. I’m absolutely terrified of


It isn’t the destruction of the death star I found alarming, it’s Luke’s assault on Jabba’s palace. He outright force chokes people, Vader’s favorite method of execution. That isn’t the jedi ideal, he’s out for blood.

The killing they did, they believed would save lives. This became increasingly grey as the war dragged on, but like I said, that *was* antithetical to the ways of the jedi. Those few who survived the purge came to understand this, and regretted it immensely. Luke failed to recognize this lesson when it was given to

If you’re talking about the prequels/clone wars... that was the point. Throwing the galaxy into an enormous war and forcing jedi to become soldiers scarred them, deeply. This was an integral part of Palpatine’s plot to destroy the Jedi, even before it ended by killing most of them. At their height, and with a

And yeah, puberty blockers are all anyone needs as a kid. It takes you off the clock and lets you make a decision when you're pretty sure what you want.

As an issue of bodily autonomy, compare this to abortion. Imagine someone arguing a kid was too young to know if they really didn’t want to give birth and have a kid. Children! Still! Have! Bodily! Autonomy! Their opinion matters.

Farming bugs has next to no impact on wild bugs, it’s not like the farms will still exist and release the bugs if no one eats them, not that there’d be enough variety to help.

Constitution states that the senate *will* hold a trial if the house impeaches. Refusing that is flatly unconstitutional, and I'm hoping that still matters.

By all rights the descendants of the people they sold should own the school outright, since that money kept the school from closing. The school has since accumulated more than a billion dollar endowment, they can pay out of that.

So this is completely fucked, right? The institution is solely responsible for paying reparations, and they've basically announced that anyone but them is welcome to pay off *their* debt to the descendants of the people they sold.

My read of the statement she released is that she’s eager to stand apart from her elders, even to the point of falling for a false dilemma (yes, no, present). It looks like she agrees with the recognition of the Armenian Genocide but disagreed with other yes votes reasoning, thus ending on present. I think that’s much

Fuck that's unsettling. Splinter disappears, Deadspin butchered. I hope a good chunk of the writers can find eachother somewhere after all is said and done.

To be fair, I’m not sure people that awful deserve access to public bathrooms at all

Ughhhhh. Luna deserves better than this fund-raising circus. I don’t understand how Younger is considered a fit parent after all he’s alleged to have done.

You misunderstand my point. The article is filed under Transphobia because the *article* discusses transphobia. The high murder rate of trans people, especially black trans women and, apparently, in Kansas City most of all, is what makes this article worth writing. Each of these patterns are alarming, and worth

If this were another police shooting of a black person, I’d expect it to be filed under Racism and discuss how racism permeates police culture. If it were a rape, I could expect it to be filed under Misogyny, and address that topic. Even if these are not the motives for the individual events, refusing to address

So, gender preference is a thing. So is genital preference. The transphobic scenario is one where you realize the woman you’re hooking up with has a penis and think “oh no a man” instead of “dang a penis". Assuming that actually is a dealbreaker.