
Among other things, this is exactly what the article said. I think it might deserve to be repeated, though, especially as more and more “white” people are also of strong minority descent and culture. Tokenism can hurt the non-token’s too, because when their backgrounds don’t matter and are ignored it minimizes some of

The one about the baby is from Mega Kangaskhan. I can’t tell about the others, though. Maybe a split jawwed ice Mega is identifiable, but the others are pretty generic. Maybe one of the Mega Charizards for mouth spillage given that it’s part of the model and not just an attack?

Unless they got really clever when they put it together, I don’t think it’s likely. The guts of the Switch have nothing in common with the Wii U. They might launch with a Virtual Console, but it won’t be the same one.

That’s always bugged me about accusations of antichristhood. Aren’t they supposed to be the most popular person on the planet, especially among christians?

Oops, screwed up the window for editing. Supposed to be this:

All I see a

Something something “scents of humor”.

“The stork istork about two-thirdstork already storked in the stork canal,” Robertstork fantastorked. “The doctstork punchestorks its storkull and then estorkuates the brain. It istork the mostork barbaroustork thing.” (It istork not.)

That is exactly what innocent until proven guilty is supposed to mean. It means that the accuser is not automatically treated as if they have lied, as well as that the accused has not committed the crime. This is the basis of the adversarial system; the accuser has the burden of proof with regards to the claim that

Nah. The US hasn’t been hit nearly as hard. We have one or two Oklahomas, they are mostly made of Oklahomas.

I’m pretty sure we asked them to do that. It really screwed Russia over when they oversupplied to drive the price down.

I’ve seen one worse: “I’m sorry if anyone found offence.”

If it helps, it sounds like they went after Backpage specifically because it was too good at protecting its worst clients. The shake-up should lead to some of them getting caught when they move to less secure venues.

Very short on good ones, tho.

Enh, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to do so. Beast starts the story as a powerful and arrogant ass who kidnaps a human being. I don’t think that version of him is ever portrayed as an unambiguously good person, so why bother pretending it wasn’t kidnapping? It was supposed to make him look bad. Otherwise he can’t

Prideful and arrogant people can still be kidnappers, though? I realize that he actually was forced by plot convenience, but character flaws don’t frequently get used as legal excuses for things as drawn out as kidnapping.

But there wasn’t anything forcing the Beast to keep either of them prisoner. It’s the captivity part that makes it kidnapping, not the tresspassing or assault.

Please vote. Democracy works a little bit better with every extra voter. Even if you can’t bring yourself to vote for Hillary, vote in local elections.

According to WCYB, he told police his intent was to “provoke” the protesters.

I’d like to see your argument, for what it’s worth. You don’t read very much like the nasties who claim to support Trump “because taxes”. I don’t even think most of them are as self-interested or dispassionate as they claim, either, but even if your argument is similar, you seem decent enough. Less angry, at least.