Random Commenter

Obviously a white driver or the outcome would have been different and faster

I enjoyed this trailer, when does the movie come out?

About 1% of Americans actually tow things regularly, cargo a lot of gear, and go offroad*. SUVs and crossovers accounted for 47% of all passenger vehicles sold.

Same here. I recently discovered someone did a very brief (4 strips) sequel/homage to them:

You sound triggered. Do you need a safe space?

So, is it a horse or a bull?

Wow. That’s actually gorgeous.

I for one think it looks great!

“they all look the same!! But I like the old one not the new one better!!”

In my personal experience tells me it is NOT a hoax. I’ll explain.

Yeah if you’re abbreviating it it’s just a steak. “Philly” gets used outside of Philly to specify that its a thing from Philly. Which is unnecessary if you’re in Philly. Its like saying you’re going to get Chinese Food in China. Its just fucking food, no need to specify. 

I love that Tucker’s serious face is the human equivalent of a dog discovering that you did not in fact, throw that ball.

The pizza take itself is so incredibly terrible that it almost distracts from the even-worse Chef Boyardee addendum.

It’s nice to see John Cena using some new moves

I don’t like the term at all, regardless of its application. If a Jewish guy condescended to me and I accused him of “Jewsplaining”, that would seem pretty anti-semitic.

I’ll just leave this here