Random Commenter

And what makes you think I like TG US? I don’t particularly care for it... But I did watch it the other night to see how it compared to current TG UK, and I enjoyed TG US more. It was more entertaining, and less fake “EVERYTHING IS EXCITING AND BETTER!!!”/”WE’RE ONE-UPPING CLARKSON, HAMMOND AND MAY!!!”.

The only things

I don’t have a F1 team, but then again, neither does Eddie Jordan, because his team was a failure, and he had to sell it because he couldn’t afford it anymore...

And the color of my grandfather’s 944 wasn’t “nasty”... You might not have liked it, but guess what? I don’t care what you think of it. And no, that 944 was

Something I saw recently (I can try to find it again if you’d like) said the Chiron was capable of 1.5G in corners.

Ok... You’re right... I guess I’ll stop liking cars, and leave Jalopnik now...


I just did a little reading... Yeah... Wow... He’s a man who used to be a semi-successful F1 racing team owner and businessman. But now, his career has been going down the tubes for years. Yeah, that makes him a good candidate for

And your point is...? Evans and Jordan don’t fit, and six hosts is too many for the current format.

That car had it coming from the moment it rolled off the assembly line.

Here’s what I think is wrong with the New New Top Gear...

1. Chris Evans... why is he always shouting? He seems like he’s trying to make everything seem super exciting, all the time... and well... it’s annoying as fuck. It comes across as fake... probably because it IS fake. And despite all of his shouty “everything is

I honestly don’t understand why they haven’t brought it out yet... It was on par with the P1, 918 and LaFerrari for most stats... but it was also faster overall... It could go 220 mph, whereas I believe the highest the others go is 217 mph. I also happen to think the C-X75 is the best looking out of the 4 cars. And

Kid. Ha. Right. Troll...

Dude, I am chill.

TBH, I didn’t realize Piech had become Chairman of VW that long ago ('93)...

No... But you, sir, certainly are an asshole. Either respond to me with something useful to the conversation, or fuck off. I have no need for your bullshit.

I give a big, emphatic “FUCK YES” on both of your choices

Jaguar are still pussies for not bringing the C-X75 out. Especially now that the LaFerrari, 918, and P1's are all sold out.

God damn it, Jaguar.... Do the right thing, put it into production, and call it the XJ220 (XJ13 is also highly acceptable). Just fucking do

AMX II... So much yes... I remember the first time I came across that car online... all I could think was “That... is an AMC? REALLY!? WHAT!? No... REALLY!?” Lol... I spent the next little while learning everything I could about it... I can't help but wonder... what would have happened had AMC actually greenlit that

Um... I know who he is... He's also the grandson of Ferdinand Porsche... Your point in mentioning him is...?

Uh... It could have been Volkwagen as well, you know. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense for it to be VW.

That car definitely doesn’t have Cadillac’s twin turbo 3.6 Liter engine in it... I’m pretty sure it has a variant of the Corvette Z06's LT4 V8 in it. Why? There’s a bulge in the hood which I believe is to accommodate the supercharger. Secondly, the hood has the same heat-extracting vent on it that is found on the

Sorry... But Deer will attack cars as well... A friend of mine slowly drove past a deer once in his Jeep Cherokee, and the damned thing turned and charged the side of his car, putting a huge dent in the driver's side door, before running off.

Deer: 1
Jeep: 0

I’ve seen one in person, and yes, they’re a lot smaller than one would expect from how they look in pictures... Same thing as with the Enzo... It always looked fairly large in pictures, and then I saw one at the Ferrari dealership a few miles from my house, and my first thought was “OMG, it’s tiny!” which

Someone must not have actually read their Bible... According to the Bible, he must follow the laws of the government, else he is a sinner.