Random Commenter

Vapour... Dude... Your “Pacero” is absolutely awesome. The Pacer is an AMC I was never a fan of, until that is I saw yours. That’s really, really cool. I see the Pacer in a different light now, and I thank you, sir, for showing me that even the Pacer can be cool.

If I remembered the car I always forget, then I wouldn’t have forgotten it, now would I? :oP

Holy shit, man... There was no need to reply. The conversation was over... You talk about me needing to have the last word? Look in the fucking mirror, dude.

NOTE TO GAWKER STAFF: Can we please get a block feature in Kinja?

Dude. I am chill... But I’d be more chill if you’d have dropped it the first time I said I was done with this conversation... Instead you kept on going, making presumptions about me, about what I meant, about Clarkson, about why he did what he did, about what you think he thinks of himself, saying I’m trying to

Again, I never said what he did was right... Are you fucking dense? For fucks sake, how many times do I have to say that before it sinks into that thick head of yours?

Nope. No where in there did I imply that that is the correct way to handle the situation.

Well, then they haven’t been doing much. No campaign mode? No space battles? No hero assault? Really EA/DICE? As someone who played SWBF I & II religiously, this game isn’t sounding very appealing. All DICE had to do was use SWBFII as a template, and improve it. But no, they chose to do their own thing, and made the

Again, as I likely said to that person (had you bothered to actually read the thread), I’m not defending, I’m empathizing. Rather than chastise him for being stressed out to the point that he ended up punching someone, I’m trying to understand why he did. Clarkson, by all accounts, isn’t a violent person. In fact, in

That is irrelevant to this discussion, being as I’m not Jeremy Clarkson. Everyone handles stress differently, and everyone has a different breaking point. Also, I am not under as much pressure, nor have as much stress as Clarkson.

Going out with friends and trying to unwind after a long day of work doesn’t mean that you aren’t stressed to the point where you could snap and lose your cool, and do something bad, like punch someone in the mouth. Sure, the alcohol probably didn’t help him keep his cool, but that doesn’t negate all of the stress he

I’m not defending. I’m empathizing. There’s a difference.

I can understand how the stress Clarkson was under would lead to him punching someone in the mouth.

Not necessarily. Porsche would only have to develop the platform/chassis, everything else could be done by VW. Hell, VW could probably just take a slightly older 911 platform/chassis which has already been paid for and build it on that. Sure, it might not be good enough for a new 911, but it’s more than adequate for a

Wow. I’m guessing you got poor comprehension scores in school, eh?

Try reading what I wrote again, and maybe you’ll find that I was empathizing with Clarkson. Also, note that I didn’t say what he did was acceptable, I only pointed out that it’s understandable, considering the stresses he was under.

Yeah, ok... “Clarkson has never been stressed in his life”... Right... He only, you know, worked a job that requires long hours of writing sessions, long hours of filming, lots of travelling, etc. Not too mention having to write articles for the various other publications he works for. Add on top of this the stress of

Yes, he went to a pub. And frankly, that’s irrelevant in this case... The producer should have made arrangements for there to be a real dinner for them when they got back to the hotel, or he should have ordered something for them from a local restaurant as soon as they returned. No matter how you try to spin it, they

No one appointed me “Lord of the Universe”... Volkswagen = People’s Car. Hence, it has to be “affordable for the people”. And as for his joke, it wasn’t a very good one, sorry.

May not be the best way, never said it was. My point was that sometimes stressed people lose their cool, flip shit, and sock somebody. It happens. It’s happened to me before... Know what I did? I took the punch in the nose like a man, and dealt with it man to man with the guy who did it. He ended up apologizing for

No. Just no. Bad CoronaTFSI! BAD!

Go to your room. And stay there until I say you can come out.


Good job ignoring all the stress that Clarkson was under... Cause, you know, being stressed out never makes people more likely to snap and lose control of their temper... No... Not at all... *rolls eyes*

Ever heard of the phrase “the straw that broke the camels back”?

A: It’s mid-engined, so it’s not a Beetle there.

B: It does 250+ mph, so it’s definitely not a Beetle there.

C: It costs in excess of $1,000,000, which means it certainly isn’t a “people’s car”, so again, it’s not a Beetle there either.

I could go on, but I’m not trying to be a dick, and I think I’ve made my point. The