
Tell me about it! This comment section is an eye opener for sure. It is so painful explaining cultural practices to people that lack culture.

lol sorry, but if you are indeed Jamaican and have never seen someone wash chicken then you haven’t been around any real Jamaicans. This a common practice among Jamaicans (on the island and abroad) and every other country in the Caribbean. This is not even up for debate. Ask any Jamaican online or in person that is

Yes, I don’t believe so either. They are assuming people are going to hold the chicken under the faucet and splash water everywhere which is the most moronic thing a person could do.

Literally everyone - EVERYONE - in or near President Tribulation’s orbit is a complete cluster fuck. I can’t think of one half way decent person that is in his cabinet or that supports him. Not one.

What I was trying to say that just you specifically are a fucking moron

So you’ve diagnosed the many cultures of people around the world that wash chicken with OCD? That makes perfect sense. *insert eye roll here*

Chickens haven’t changed from what they were 100 years ago. The same gunk they cleaned of the chicken back then is the same gunk we clean of today.

A lot of folks are grossed out by the packaging’s maxi pad

Jamaican here can co-sign this comment 100%. This a common practice around the world with melanin people. From the Caribbean, South and Latin America to Africa and the list goes on. Certain groups haven’t heard of - or don’t know how - to clean meat properly and are giving us their unneeded input on something we’ve

Thank you!! I notice that the people telling you not to clean meat are the same ones who have some of the nastiest kitchens. How foolish would I look taking cooking advice from them?

Now playing

But... But we don’t wash chicken in lukewarm water lol. It would be nice if you knew what the term meant before actually commenting on it.

I’m super tolerant and very open-minded of different points of view when it comes to religion, politics, sexuality or just about anything that can separate one human being from another. But if I find out you don’t clean your meat I will judge the living fuck out of you.

a) Jess is 27 years old. Sorry, but at this age you should already know that racism, xenophobia and parroting white supremacists talking points is not a good look.

That explains a lot!

What bothers me more than this asshole’s wretched statement is the fact that there are people who actually voted him into office. And scarily enough, they will probable vote for him again after reading what he said today.

I have to agree. At this point, Candace is aiming to become the Babe Ruth of coons.

It’s frightening, in a way, because that’s the ignorance in which hatred and bigotry grows

Same w/ Candace because she know that conservative white america loves a tap dancing self-hating black person(or miniority) so she going to use it until she can’t anymore. She is the living embodiment of the “but I have a black friend”

Michael Riley, a spokesman for the Charlotte County School District, told the magazine that Perry’s poster was considered “somewhat of a disruption” around the school’s campus and drew criticism from many in the local community.