
“What kind of purpose did it do to put me in prison? I mean it’s the law, but, you know, I was rather surprised ... that I ended up in prison,” Bates said. “I think I served more than enough time.”


I saw bits of this yesterday and I still can’t bring myself to watch all the videos. This girl is beyond messed up an there must be some backstory we’re not getting. You can’t get like this just by moving from the suburbs to the inner city like they stated.

I would rather have sex with a phone than phone bank for Ted Cruz.

Big up yourself, Reggae Girlz!!

Fucking hate this softball shit they’re pulling with these assholes.

More truer words have never been spoken.

The room in that cover photo looks so tacky. MOTUS always reminds me of Chester Lampwick: Some guy who ran into a shitload of money and thinks if you cover anything in Gold it makes you look ‘rich’.

There has never been a moment in the history of this country where white women have stepped out of the cozy shade provided by white supremacy to stand up for anything other than their own whiteness. Not during slavery. Not during Jim Crow. Not yesterday. Not a single time.

It’s from the reality TV show I Love New York. That is Sister Patterson.

There seems to be a bunch of overlap between the Lost Cause Southern apologists and supporters of the crooked racist orange santorum-covered enemy of the people.

She needs to go watch “Roots”, touch up her roots, and read The Root.

Kanye, and all the other mindless followers, are going to realize way too late that they bought into a massive political Ponzi Sheme.

“These people, black people, people on social media, people trying to control us. ... They’re trying to control our mind,” Kanye says. “They’re trying to control my mind.”

Much like the Civil War and all the traitors who fought on the losing side, Donald Tribulation will also be remembered as some kind of martyr by these very same fools in the audience. The same way they desperately want to re-write the legacy of the Civil War is the same way they will try to re-write MOTUS’ legacy (and

So he’s paying for Nike shirts in an attempt to protest them? Trump supporters have ignorance, hubris and all around stupidity in abundance but seem to be incredibly short on brain cells.

He hasn’t really been right since his mother died.

That was a complete disaster.