
They probably didn't come back out, they sunk to the bottom and attached the chains, and others pulled the dragon out.

People in the South seem to be wearing sweaters now.

It isn't hat weather.

I half expected Dany to refuse his bending the knee… for some GD reason.

Even if it is, it was a pointless conflict to start with.

I thought… why didn't they just try to walk across the ice on their own?

She retreated from the attack in the fighting pits of Mereen.

There was a reason you didn't get to see the redshirts in their entirety.

Makes the war against the dead seem a little easier.

He blindly charged the White Walkers at Hardhome as well, IIRC.

It really is a thing of beauty. The looks on some of the marchers faces are priceless.

But its harder to play cartoon music with an air horn.

And hooves.


I know how to use it!

Ham Bannon? He and Ham Rove can make a sandwich.

Unions, minorities. Pitting the poor against each other has been a tactic of the wealthy for… like ever.

Or a 6 4 Impala?

They need it to be real winter everywhere they go. I'm guessing if the temperature is above freezing, they can't survive due to decomposition.

And a timely case of amnesia.