
1) It's a fantasy world that has to stay mired in medieval technology otherwise it isn't a typical "fantasy" world setting.

Either one will be lame. Arya should have gone to King's Landing.

She could use that face she got from The Twins. The servant girl she wore when she served Walder Frey the kid pies.

I 100% agree. There's no interesting narrative that can come from this stupid little intrigue.

It will be useful in the future. People used to and still do scientific research using data compiled years ago. Just because it isn't immediate, doesn't mean it's not worthwhile.

Absolutely. That's precisely why science has made so many advances in the years since computers.

If this nonsense makes Sansa do something rash that costs the Starks the support of a few houses, yes, it will impact their fighting ability. Having to quell a mini-rebellion will cost men and resources, something in very short supply these days.

Arya returning to Winterfell was the first confirmation to any of the people there that Arya wasn't dead.

There's a part where Jon says, "I thought Arya was dead. I thought Bran was dead," after he reads the note from Winterfell.

Compiling data is the heart of science. Filling a book with the weights of organs would be very useful at some point. Now, being able to interpret that data requires a comprehensive view. And since the maesters seem to basically just keep journals of everything they observe without much organization, the information

And he didn't die on the way back to his home planet!

They fall, but then the White Walkers raise them right back up. That happened during the battle at Hardhome.

Arya needs to be with them so she can be Face.

Theon can't even fight a living person…

In no way did I mean to speak about either group as though they were uniform in their behavior.

I know. And to be honest, if Jon were told, he would say something like, "I don't care. I don't want to be king of the Seven Kingdoms."

GOT is based on a medieval world. And that is the way of things in a medieval world.

No, she hasn't. For whatever reason, I thought she was still in the air when she was observing that. Or on a precipice.

I'm guessing that Sam may read about the events leading up to The Long Night and they will parallel the events depicted in this series. Big wars of royal succession, bitter hatred between houses, foreign invasion, you name it.

The note Arya stole was the note Sansa wrote to Robb, informing him of Robert's death, Ned's attempt to prevent Joffrey from ascending to the Iron Throne, and instructing him to come to King's Landing to swear fealty to Joffrey.