Duck Duck Grey Duck FTMFW!

Because horsepower is really a measure of torque. The V8 makes more torque per revolution than the 2.7. As a result, the 2.7 must do more work to make up the difference. Unfortunately, internal combustion engines aren’t efficient, and most of the work ends up wasted in heat and exhaust.


I get what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sold on this engine tower concept I’ve got going.

Maybe we should orient them so that the cylinder banks are on a different planes, maybe in some sort of V type shape.

B. One on top of the other.

Could you explain to me how they would be arranged in the bay together? Preferably using only a single letter.

Okay, so hear me out. I’m not a scientist or anything, but it seems to me like the solution here is to put two of the 4 cylinders into the engine bay. The truck’s big enough, it’ll probably work. Then you’ll get even more power, and surely that will lead to increased gas mileage. Right?

Looks like you’re kinda stuck stripping the door in that one spot (the adhesives tend to eat through the clearcoat and etch the basecoat), otherwise when you go to repaint you’ll be left with an outline where the decals used to be. The good thing is those are both relatively flat panels, so you could take a couple

You go, girl!

I’m not gonna hate on her, but I’m am kind of salty.

Alternate headline: Dowel Movement Turns Cummins Engines to Shit

When I read your post, I am picturing you as a cat that likes to knock everything off of the coffee table, item by item. 

I’m resisting this with every fiber of my being... I’m a messy person (not dirty, just not organized) and seeing a super-tidy place makes me a bit the place isn’t really lived in. Go ahead, people, judge me. Avert your eyes from my stack of books not in a bookshelf. Your disdain, feeds me.  Am I not

Here’s a picture of the VAG (VW-Audi) canonical customer service position...

I work at a not for profit that relies on a resale shop to fund most of our programs. We are absolutely fucking THRILLED about this.

Not everything is foreseen by engineers when a product is being developed. And this engine debuted on this truck in ‘88 - which means it was being engineered in ‘85 into ‘86 - waaaay before computer simulations of multiple hundred thousand miles were even dreamed of.

This just seems like such a gloriously obvious engineering fuckup in an otherwise excellent engine. How did no one ever stop and say “Hey, guys, maybe we should make this pin captive like every other pin in every single engine?”

Omelette you slide for that.

*don’t say it*