Kazuma Kiryu Sakomoto Ryoma has NEVER KILLED A MAN - and he’ll kill anyone who gets in his way on his quest to prove his innocence!
Kazuma Kiryu Sakomoto Ryoma has NEVER KILLED A MAN - and he’ll kill anyone who gets in his way on his quest to prove his innocence!
in which imaginary Land or Time is that now?
“Without a slap or a La La Land, the Emmys gave the netizens of Twitter very little to talk about.”
“Everyone in Jin’s world is beautiful, but no one is horny.”
Do I think Sir Cole feels victimized or wouldn’t jump right back into bed with Rhaenyra if given half a chance? Nope.
Is there a way of saying you haven’t liked Brie Larson as Captain Marvel without being accused of misogyny? I’m not saying it, by the way. I would never, ever, ever say that.
Huh. So an actor who kisses another actor, who is in fact not related to her, isn’t awkward. Shocking.
I feel like in years to come, when the dust settles on this phenomenon of para-social relationships, there’ll be a LOT of psychological reports, and general cultural fallout from those males who transitioned into their 30s and older with only _this_ kind of experience in relationships (be they emotional or sexual -…
Granted it’s been (9?!) years since I played it, but it was hardly the darkest and most bleak tale out there.
1 whole month? Big deal.
“If I were a guy, I wouldn’t be writing this because I’d be out there playing and winning while my wife was doing the physical labor of expanding our family.”
Just to clarify, are you suggesting that she did not, in fact, take the most private jet trips this year, and that these bloggers are lying? Or, she actually did take the most private jet trips this year, but each of her 170+ trips was an attempt to escape this warzone you speak of, and each time she discovered,…
Uhh… isn’t that worse?
You skipped “Identifying Information” in your little list there.
Kotaku wouldn’t be doxxing you by responding to this comment with your real name?
Why do you keep posting their names? I'm pretty sure they were devastated when Riot straight up doxxed them.
What even is your point. Do you think other settings don’t have baggage? If this games setting was the U.S.. Would this game have to educate us on the Native American genocide and slavery? If it was set in Germany would the story have to be about the holocaust. Why do people pretend that the U.S and Europe are the…
I’ll start this by saying that anyone is free to feel insulted by whatever they feel insulted by. But I - an Asian-American living in a third world country - really think this criticism is stretching a bit.
I actually don’t think using a real life aesthetic makes you have “a responsibility to grapple with its history.” I see the rice hat idea is being a bit more questionable, but “they didn’t insert a painful history lesson about a real life community (that had nothing to do with the story of their game)“ is... a plus?
Yet this site name is Kotaku. If there is a sense of irony about “appropriation” being ignored here... *shrugged*