
well I’m flattered that you equate my knowledge of your work with the one your boss has, perfect fucking equivalency right there, we have totally comparable levels of authority on your work.

Ok then remind me to come to your work, knowing nothing about what you’re doing and why you did it and start telling you why your work is wrong and you’re bad at your job.

criticism/backlash is fine, but you saying that there is no reason why they couldn’t have made a different choice artistically, unless it’s a reason you decide, when you know nothing about their creative process comes off as entitled and ignorant.

there are a TON of reasons why they won’t allow it, first off the most obvious: the artists choice, we didn’t make the game, we don’t have the authority to tell them how their creation should look and why, this isn’t a commission work, the artists do what they want and we get to experience it, or at least that’s how

For all we know this doesn’t look at all like a choose your adventure rpg like AC odyssey, so the comparison is not appropriate at all. They want their story to a have a specific, recognisable character for their franchise, it doesn’t always need to be about choice in every single game, sometimes experiencing a fixed

I don’t feel like this is the best article to express this specific concern, since one of the alleged predator is actually a woman.

dude i saw with the corner of my eyes the pic and the words miyamoto and what at first glance looked like “dead”(dad) and I had a fucking heart attack.

Momo actually doesn’t scare me so I went into this article thinking it was safe, but you really had to mention that Ramses fuck didn’t you, you really had to post a pic as well didn’t you, you really had to reawaken my nightmares didn’t you.

can we please stop talking about bullying with only a male focus? bullying (and its dismissal) is a universal problem, it’s not just a boys will be boys problem, people dismiss female bullying maybe even more because they either think that girls are just being their normalemotional/hysterical” selves and the fact

That’s not what I did tho, I specifically mentioned KHII LIFETIME sales numbers, which include all markets.

maybe, but you need to remember that the last playstation exclusive game in the series(KHII) come out during a time when playstation was absolutely dominating the console market, xbox and gamecube weren’t even close, so even if hypothetically KHII would have been multi platform i don’t think its sales numbers would

That’s true and I’m worried. I hope this movie doesn’t go the finding dory route pushing their own movie “laws” and logic to the absolute extreme(octopus driving a truck? wtf pixar)

well, here in my country, both of the recognized ID documents(state released ID card and driver’s licence) have neither sex nor gender on them and we’ve been doing just fine without them so far. So maybe proposing something similar, or stop treating birth certificates as an ID to get other documentations or stuff like

alright but having a document changed with confusing information is not really optimal either, if you’re a trans woman and you change your birth certificate to say “sex=female” is still wildly incorrect and create confusion both semantically and data wise because sex is not gender and you’re not born with female sex

alright good that we actually agree on the main point, but your comment genuinely read like a justification of the act as a “good thing”, my bad if that is not what you tried to say but tbh even after I re-read it I can’t help but still feel that that was the sentiment that transpired. Again, good If I’m wrong about

Unpopular opinion probably, but saying “the net result is positive, therefore it’s overall a good thing” is dangerous thinking in my opinion, it’s basically “the end justifies the means” argument which is, imo, a goddamn slippery slope of terrible consequences, if we rob the rich and give the money to poor helpless peo

and you=the entire audience that read this article right? I guess you really showed me, you rascal!

yeah Ilater used masstagger too and found no evidence of this significant user crossover between The_donald and livestreamfail that the author seem to be certain of, hell i didn’t even found much evidence that the users in the subreddit skew right wing as it was stated, tags for r/conservative or other obviously right

i had to wait a little bit in every post for tags to start showing up, sometimes it bugged out too and had to refresh, things like scrolling helped too(maybe?) I just fidgeted with it a little and the tags eventually showed up.